SOC Films released the fourth and final animated film ‘Domestic Violence’ during COVID-19 pandemic from the ‘Siyani Sahelian’ animation series, as part of the collaborative programme with Idara-e-Taleem-o-Aagahi. Launched in March 2018, Siyani Sahelian aims to tackle gender inequality for disadvantaged out of school adolescent girls in 480 towns and villages spread across the three districts of south Punjab: Muzaffargarh, Bahawalpur and Rahim Yar Khan. Following the rise in domestic violence cases against women in Pakistan due to COVID-19 restrictions, this fourth and final animated short film in the series produced by SOC Films attempts to deconstruct and address some of the issues arising from this disturbing trend. While the world over is dealing with the severe fallout from the COVID-19 virus, spaces outside the home are no longer as easily accessible for women as before. The main character Asghari, along with her parents, discuss ways in which women and girls can deal with potential situations of abuse that can take place, whilst highlighting the importance of carrying out joint responsibilities at home for the whole family. The fourth animated film has been scripted by Safyah Usmani with animation by Kulsum Ibrahim, editing by Nina Zehri and Meer Farhad Jamali, and voiceovers by Rabia Kiran Rajput, Mariam Rizvi and Ali Akbar. Indeed, to-date, Siyani Sahelian has empowered 36,000+ out of school adolescent girls in South Punjab through post primary opportunities for learning gains, Technical & Vocational Education & Training, livelihoods and life skills. As part of the outreach for this collaborative program, SOC Films also produced four short animated films for public screenings. Indeed, SOC Films hopes to continue to implement sustainable community engagement programs to positively impact the lives of Pakistani youth.