I never thought I would be sharing something like this with everyone as I was really a “make-my-parents-embarrassed” kid. I used to cry at every family gathering just to go back home and won’t leave my mother’s pallu until she decides to really comes back home. When it came to get me admitted in school, that was like the worst nightmare for me. My parents were not ready to admit the fact that I don’t want to study and I just want to remain at home. Although I used to reply to “what do you want to become when you grow up?” was “toilet”, this was the only word which could come out of my tiny mouth back then but for toilet too, I didn’t want to study. One day my parents were conspiring against me to take me to school tomorrow morning. I couldn’t help it. Next day, both cruel took me to school. I cried the hell out of me but they weren’t ready to understand. I pulled back my arm and ran away but my small legs couldn’t help me against their giant legs. After some time of struggling hard, I found myself in the admission hall of the school where my sisters used to go happily. My parents left me after handing me over to one of the teachers there. The walls of the class were closing in on me and I felt like everyone is staring at me with their eyes saying “loser, loser”. My teacher turned her head towards the board to write something that’s when I ran away from class. I started crying hysterically, loudly in play ground because I was lost. My parents were called and I was sent back home. Next day, same thing happened, I was not being controlled by the teachers so they called my elder sister and asked her to take me to her class. I was happy to find someone who could save me from these monsters. That became my daily drama, I knew this was the only way to escape, my way of survival. My class had to live without the cute crying me. My teacher used to hand over my homework to my sister and I was happy. At least I was satisfying my parents by wearing school uniform and going to the horror place. Of course I was their daughter, I had to do this for them. That’s how I passed my kindergarten in my sister’s class, but for further classes, they convinced me to study in my class and trust me, they were not that bad either.