I am looking for an abaya shop that can make a customized abaya, basic material nothing fancy. There is one requirement though, it has to be waterproof. I have to send it to Sindh, to a dolphin. She told me that she understands and respects what my prime minister said and she needs to control the vulgarity in River Indus that’s tempting the fishermen to act a certain way. So yes, the abaya needs to be dolphin shaped too. My prime minister is not wrong, but he is half right. He claimed that R-Rated movies and vulgarity has destroyed the society and that is the reason terrible and condemnable acts that happen. We agree, Khan saab, that could be correct. What he said is equivalent of saying that display of guns on TV and in films might incite violence, and increase the crime rate because it encourages people to take up guns and influences them in such a way which is certainly partially true and there might be some scientific researches to back the claim. That’s just how psychology works and the Bobo Doll experiment, somewhat, if not entirely hinted towards a link of children practicing aggression while observing aggression. Research analysts did comment about it how that research had reasons to be discredited because Albert Bandura focused one factor only and neglected the others. His highness did say the exact same thing “Fahashi on the screens, leads to fahashi on the streets”. To understand this, lets just agree that vulgarity in the films we see is scandalously causing an increase in vulgarity in real. So, by that logic I need to wear a bullet-proof jacket because my chest might, just might, tempt a criminal to aim and shoot a Barrett M82 right through my heart. We are talking about two crimes here. A murder, because a shooter will shoot me because my chest is not covered and he is drawn towards killing me after seeing violent films. And then, a rape, because a rapist is seeing vulgarity on screens and boy is he tempted. We will not argue with Quran here. Allah asks a woman to cover and a man to control his urges, and there are no second questions about it. Quote all the verses you want to but you will never be able to go against what is said. Though there is a something we need to understand. You go against the first part, let’s say a woman does not want to cover her head, she wants to wear what she wants. That’s on her, is she sinning? Maybe she is, is it between her and God? Yes, it is. Do you know need to call her out for something that does not concern you? No, you don’t. Does that give you a reason or the authority to go on and rape her? No, it doesn’t. There are two things to be mentioned here. You are going against the word of God and your sin is not between you and Allah if you are not able to control yourself. If vulgarity is on the rise seeing a mere Bollywood movie, then my dear PM I have bad news for you. The nation you are leading has weak faith and no morals. How will a pardah save a dead woman in her grave? How will a pardah save the little 5-year-old girl walking down a street? Don’t worry about the dolphins though, I am working on a customized Abaya. So basically, everyone needs a veil. Media is a powerful tool, Khan sahab. You take pride in bringing Ertugrul to Pakistan but you are bringing it from Turkey not the Ottoman Empire. A country far more advanced and open minded that we can be for the next 100 years if this continues. You want to shape narratives by bringing modesty on TV and media, by bringing Islam on TV, I appreciate it. But remember that you will find a woman being harassed in the holy Ka’abah too. The most sacred place in the world of Islam, where she is fully covered. Showing appropriate content on TV and in films is your way of controlling vulgarity, which is not wrong. The only thing is, vulgarity is really not the root of the problem. You go to Karimabad Bazar in Hunza at 2 am in the morning, you see a woman, Pakistani or foreigner, roaming around without any fear. She doesn’t fear being attacked, groped, harassed, or just being a woman. Because people there understand how to respect a woman. And that’s how it is everywhere in the world Khan saab, basic humanity, respect and morals and decency is all you need to not be a rapist.