Sir: I bring to the notice of the authority of Financial Adviser & Chief Accounts Officer of Pakistan Railway, my agony that I am receiving due to the negligence of his Pension Branch. The Finance Ministry had issued a notification in July 2016 that the rate of yearly increment of the pensioner attaining the age of 85 years has been increased from 10 percent to 25 percent. I came to know this just a week back when exploring the Pension Benefits on the internet, I have not been provided this increase by my Department although I achieved this age in May 2018 and all my data of age is available with my Railway Department sending my pension through my Bank account. A pensioner is not required to apply for this favour which has been awarded by the Finance Ministry. The FA & CAO Railways Head Quarter is requested to kindly take up this matter with his pension branch. There are hundreds of pensioners suffering this agony. SYED SAADAT HUSSAIN NAQVI Via E-mail