Sir: Covid-19, as we know it, is still on the rampage and Pakistan is amongst the worst-hit countries. The pandemic is decelerating an already dwindling economy of Pakistan. It is doing the groundwork for a deeper downturn in the economy by dint of lockdown of markets, closure of industries, loss of potential international customers, and a drastic decline in exports and foreign remittances. It is eminent that it will leave lasting scars on employment, inflation, and poverty. The damage is nonetheless alarming. On the other hand, the government is fighting relentlessly on many fronts to mitigate its catastrophic and multifaceted effects. It seeks to protect its low to middle-income families by multi-billion rupee Ehsas Programme, lowering the interest rate to seven percent and reopening of markets with SOPs. However, it requires all hands on deck to revive the economy. In all this mess, it is positive to note that the curve of Covid-19 is declining with every passing day. Hopefully, Pakistan will face this crisis bravely and eke out growth of one to two percent despite all bottlenecks. AHMAD WAQAR SHAHID, Lahore