Actress Saba Qamar said she wasted eight years of her life, saying that she was in relationship with someone but the end was extremely painful. “We girls are taught at our early age that they should not leave the first man who comes into their lives even if they (girls) die. But this one sentence ruined eight years of my life as I was mistreated and cheated to another woman,” said the actress in a recent interview. She also talked about her present life during the ongoing lockdown caused by Coronavirus. Saba Qamar who got fame through her appearance in Hum Sab Umeed Se hain also shed light over her personal and professional life. “You know he used to humiliate me often and later married her cousin,” said Saba Qamar. The actress, however, did not mention the man she was in love with for last eight years. She went on to say: “He lied to me, mistreated me, humiliated me and later apologized but this relationship was important to me because I was thinking about marriage. I thought he would change but he didn’t and destroyed my mental peace. Soon I got to know that he was interested in his cousin and married her leaving me. I got to know through Facebook status that he had married,”.