From centuries man always try to reach to the skies. From stone age to modern era ,man struggled and he is still struggling to make his life better . Man is in constant flux. He wants to move on .It seems ,he will never look back .What he left behind ,he never bothers .He constantly battles with mother nature. He broke the laws of nature because he is believes himself the supreme in the universe .But in his never ending journey, he forgets that there must be some limitations and rules which ,he bounds to follow. With time ,we all are becoming victims of urban sprawl. Vast areas of lands in major cities are grabbed, illegally. Within no time we all witness multi-storeyed in the centre of cities without any planning. Water shortages ,sewage problems ,rushy areas,illegal electricity connections are all the gift of urbanizations. More and more vehicles can be seen increasing in numbers, on the road. This is the main factor leading to air pollution .It seems there is no check and balance. As, we all are facing challenges due to Corona virus. Major part of the world is on locked down. We are witnessing best part of the world environment. The world is now pollution free. No traffic on the road, trees are much greener ,wind is smooth and fresh flowers are blooming and the mighty sun is shining very bright. It seems the mother earth is rejuvenating, itself. Sky is much clearer and birds are chirping merrily, every day. Corona challenge has ,no doubt impact the mankind in numerous ways .Man is bound to think that he is not the only one who is habitant of this earth. Recently, it was shown in CNN ,that in America wild animals can be seen roaming on the road ,freely because there were no human species around. Now we are all locked down and now its the turn of species other then human, to walk freely .So where do we stand now as human being?. Its now time to contemplate ,what we did to the mother nature. As, we all are facing challenges due to Corona virus. Major part of the world is on locked down. We are witnessing best part of the world environment. The world is now pollution free There were times ,when people were spending, there life in villages. Amidst ,beautiful and serene surroundings. Small house made of mud or clay ,surrounded by huge courtyards Chorpoys orderly placed. Elders sitting with their huqqas and gossiping, ,children playing all around, women working in their open kitchens and voice of punchuky (water pumps driven by buffaloes) adding melody and mystique in the environment. Such mesmerising ambience seems to be now lost in the hustle bustle of todays fast life. It seems that man is now yearning again for his lost tradition. Due to urbanization, man seems to contemplating ,what has he lost in the pursuit of modernization. Cities and even towns have become jungle of concrete. For the successful and speedy life , he left his ancestral place. It seems now the modern man is missing the poise and serenity of rural life .Yes ,todays man has earned all the privileges of modern living ,but he has lost his independence and peace of mind. Due to fast paced life ,he has no time for his family .Even he doesn’t have time to see his own children, for days .Is this a real prosperity?. When his family needed him ,the most, he was not around. After so many years ,the mankind has got a chance to sit at home and contemplate. This is blessing in disguise for todays modern man. We are all locked in our homes. The environment, outside of our home is now clean and pollution free. The animal kingdom ,excluding us, is astonished to see the changes on the planet earth. Ironically,the Corona virus has cleaned the earth’s atmosphere. Now ,this is the real change. We need to introspect ,before the lockdown ends. Are we moving in the right direction. So do we need all these luxuries.? I recently saw a post which said that ,”world economy has fallen, and is constantly falling down because we are buying the only necessities” What we need is a simple way of living .No junk food ,no gyms ,no branded clothes ,no latest gadgets. What we need is good relationships ,healthy and pollution free environment, fewer clothings, nutritious food and clean water. After decades man is understood that we need minimum items for survival and not the so called luxuries. In the pursuit of luxuries, man lost his sanity ,his own peace of mind. Because at the end of his hectic routine, he needs simple food and peaceful sleep. Now a days these basic needs have become luxuries for most of us. Inner peace ,is a blessing ..When we are at peace with ourselves, we are happy with our environment and surroundings too . Man earns for his physical needs ,but deep down he needs spiritual satisfaction. This ,tranquillity can come through simplicity and serendipity. The time has come that we start focusing on our lost dynamics. We built huge empire in cities ,but it seems that we now want to go back in the golden era where our forefathers spent their lives with best of health and vigour. Modern man is yearning to go back to the golden era of traditional values.He want to go back to his roots again .Because urbanization has stolen his true self .He wants again to listen melodies of chirping birds, sound of falling brooks and to taste its sweet water. This is the ultimate truth of real rural life. So are we on the brink of counter urbanization.? This is the question we need to ask ourselves ,in this hour of self quarantine isolation and contemplation. The writer is a psychologist, life coach and a freelance columnist