The premiere of the highly anticipated film ‘Daal Chaawal’- a thriller filled with comedy and satire by Fun Club Productions, was held in Nueplex Karachi on Sunday. Set out to pay tribute to the police force and its martyrs, the story centres on the challenges faced by the youth and challenging environment in which police force performs its duties. It also highlights prevalent social issue in the country. A first of its kind movie based upon criminology, it features Salman Shahid, Shafqat Cheema, Momina Iqbal, and Ahmed Sufyan among others in the lead roles. The thriller drama focuses on social issues with the right amount of humour, satire, and fast-paced action, making it a fun watch. Director Awais Khalid said the film was inspired by true events and shot on actual locations and based on an original screenplay. The eminent Rahat Fateh Ali Khan lent his voice for the theme song of the film, to commemorate the martyrs of the Pakistani police The writer, music director and producer, Akbar Nasir Khan speaking at the premiere said, “The conditions under which our police forces are functioning is highly challenging and it is important for our youth to realise that there is more to serving in the police force than what meets the eye. We hope that “DaalChaawal” succeeds in starting a discourse on important social issues for our ranks and file.” Director Awais Khalid said the film was inspired by true events and shot on actual locations and based on an original screenplay. The eminent Rahat Fateh Ali Khan lent his voice for the theme song of the film, to commemorate the martyrs of the Pakistani police. “Daal Chaawal”- Like Life: Simple and Spicy is out across cinemas in Pakistan, and is garnering rave reviews from audience and critics. Foot Print Pvt Ltd is a premiere film distribution company and is also the leading content provider in Pakistan, representing the top international producers in the film, television, digital and gaming content businesses. They remain committed to providing the best quality content and enhancing the entertainment experience of the Pakistani consumer at-home, on the move and in the cinema theatres.