Start with Why, written by author and motivational speaker Simon Sinek became an instant hit upon its release. The book looks at the corporate leaders who have had the most influence over their employees and corporations. What Simon Sinek began in 2009 as a movement to assist and facilitate people to be more motivated and encouraged at their workplace, is now slowly seeping into the corporate culture of the United States and Europe. Simon’s TED Talk on Start With Why is the third most watched TED video ever. And it should be. Simon talks about in the video and discusses in the book ‘a world that does not start with why’, which is also the title of the book’s first part. Simon in detail talks about why we make assumptions based on the information provided to us. He also explains why we make such assumptions without asking if the provided information is complete or not. The art of creating change in an organisation attaches with the ‘why’ being asked in boardroom meetings and in cubicles when employees discuss their projects. A new product is only developed and marketed if the company knows why they are launching it in the first place. Simon, by using examples of leading companies of the world, talks about why and how the sense of purpose inspires people. Simon’s basic premise of the book is in asking why some companies are more successful and profitable than others. And in his explanation, he has gone from introducing his topic to explaining it to the finest of detail. He also discusses why should people care and why do inspiring people require a purpose. Start With Why also dwells on the fact that leaders in a company need to communicate the ‘why’ to inspire others. Only then leaders will start to have a following and their subordinates will look up to them. Moreover, Simon talks about excited employees in his book and what makes them the best resource for the company. It is because these motivated people want to work not for the money but for the experience of getting their job done, receiving appreciation and assessing their own skills to go beyond their limits. It is in the cause of their work, not in their craft, that they grow. Simon also says that once an organization figures out the ‘Why’, they do not need to rely on sales tactics. It is in this ‘why’ that lies the company’s reason for existence, the motivation to excel and their purpose to grow. “People don’t buy what you do; they buy why you do it.” Simon Sinek says in his TED Talk video. The concept is simple yet it holds within itself meaning and a purpose that can become the foundation of a corporate empire. Sinek, in his book, coins the term “The Golden Circle” which is a framework which organisations can build themselves. The main notion of this book is to ask the ‘why’ or ‘what’ you intend to accomplish and all other sub-goals will follow. In the Golden Circle, Sinek draws three circles. The innermost circle is the Why, the second circle is the How and the third circle is the What. When talking about What, Simon discusses that every organisation in the world knows what they are doing. They are selling either a product or a service. Organisations also know how they have to do it. Activities under the ‘how’ include marketing, advertising, selling, financing, along with all other aspects needed to run a business and sell a product. The ‘why’, however, is the part, which most organizations do not dwell upon. It is in understanding the ‘why’ and deciphering the many aspects of it that do companies accept and realise the very reason for their existence and supersede their competition. Interestingly, we as individuals belonging to any field of life and profession can also look at the ‘what’, ‘how’ and ‘why’ of our lives. Students can ask ‘what are we studying, how are we studying it and why do we need to study it?” while professionals can ask ‘what are we doing at work, how are we doing it and why do we need to do it?” We all would know the ‘what’ and ‘how’ part of our life and career but the introspection, reflection, and analysis would begin the moment we ponder on the ‘why’ and ask ourselves the question we may have never asked, “why are we doing this?” Start With Why is one motivational piece of work by Simon Sinek that will help you develop a deeper meaning of your personal and professional life. The writer is an independent researcher, author and columnist. He can be reached at