The federal government on Thursday removed the name of Leader of Opposition in National Assembly Shehbaz Sharif from the exit control list (ECL), a private TV channel reported. The interior ministry authorised the move following the Lahore High Court’s (LHC) order issued on March 26. The ministry has also issued a notification confirming that Shehbaz is now free to travel abroad. Reports suggest that the Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) president will soon depart for London, where his infant granddaughter recently underwent a cardiac procedure necessitated by a complication at birth. He is also expected to undergo medical check-ups during his stay in the British capital. The travel ban on Shehbaz was notified by the interior ministry on February 21 on recommendation of the federal cabinet following a request by the National Accountability Bureau, from whose custody Shehbaz was released on bail on February 14. The former Punjab chief minister had challenged the decision in the LHC. In a writ petition filed through Advocate Azam Nazir Tarar, he had contended that the ban on international travel was in violation of his fundamental rights guaranteed under the constitution and that the memorandum of February 21 was passed in an arbitrary manner in violation of law and facts. Shehbaz Sharif is currently facing two corruption references filed by the National Accountability Bureau. In Ramzan Sugar Mills reference, he has been accused by the NAB for misusing his authority as Punjab chief minister to benefit factories owned by his sons that cost Rs 200 million to the national exchequer. In Ashiana Iqbal Housing Scheme, he is facing charges of misusing authority to illegally issue directives for cancellation of contract with regard to the housing project in 2014, causing Rs 715 million losses to the exchequer.