Many of my clients come and ask me for the magic pill for depression and anxiety. There are unsolved mysteries within life and the mind that cause the continuation of anxiety and depression. You cannot come out of depression and anxiety without a fight. Coping is a sound alternative to a fight. Cope with yourself and add environments of change. Friendships is a grand way of coping with anxiety and depression. Research indicates that depressive people tend to be feel lonely and seldom have people loving them. Or that they believe this aspect of life. Try to focus on the people and friends around you. People are social animals. We tend to enjoy the aspects of love and friendships. We spend our time in coffee shops and places where we can socialize. This is a critical element of our existence. Communities thrive on the reasons of enabling the people withing them. Let’s go to the basics. Friends are masterpieces of life. In fact, friendship is discussed in vivid detail in all religions of life. Even the prophets had fiends. We all need the loving associated with friendships. Extensive research indicates that meeting old friends and associations of new ones change the neurotransmission withing the brain. Embellish yourself in a myriad of life. You deserve it.Neurotransmitters follow your lead. Negativity can create an ocean. Positive can become a river. You meet any of my clients and they will tell you about my perspective of living a good life. There is an old song one of my friends Javier used to say” You might lose or you might win, but we are never gonna be back here again”. I have associated with two great men in my time. Mr. Talal Butt and Javier Sanchez. Both of whom I had the pleasure of meeting during my college years. Both are eminent men of stature. Javier is a Spanish engineer that I met during my studies and one of the great thinkers of life. Had great moments with him. He was kind enough to come to my wedding from Spain. That is friendship. I cherish all the time we spent and yearn for many of that time quality again. But he does not know is the happiness it brings to me. Thinking of a great friend takes a new meaning in my body. The physiology changes. It has too. Talal Butt is an IT executive and demonstrates a quality and exuberance only known to a few. I have enjoyed many endless moments with him on the beachfronts. Memories became gold during his time. I keep close these two men in my life. Not for any other aspect but to keep the smiles rolling. And it helps. My life changes. The time flies into happiness. I deserve it. I need to consider the great times. And anticipate many to come. This is the only magic pill I know of other than therapy. I wonder why people don’t walk out and see the world. Depression is real. Anxiety is another logical frame of reference. These are not issues that need to be placed under the carpet. One easier way is to go out and call a friend. Do not discuss the depression. Enjoy a walk with him or her. Go for a little trip out. and make sure you do not discuss the current state. Physiological changes interrupt the transmission of negative thoughts. For some it is a hard step to go out with a friend. Or even to make new ones. As a therapist you need to convince the client that the step is logical and practical and will have the advantages of life. Seeing the greater goodness is the sweetest gift you give yourself. Irrespective of all the odds that life throws at you, you need to ensure you are shielded. The power of life is greater than the bad. I guess one step at a time. Even a smile works. Go out and call your friends. You might meet Talal or Javier in the bustling streets of New York or Madrid and find the painters of friendship. Depression and anxiety do halt. I work with elderly and tell them during my sessions to call someone in front of me and talk. And they do. And I see the change of tone and pitch. Whenever we look back. The roads of depression never end up meaningful. With one life to live, those roads should not be walked on. Ahmed Sheikh is a highly accomplished psychologist with over 20 years of experience specializing in wellness, positive psychology, mindfulness, and depression management. His expertise extends to training police, corporations, institutions, and government agencies in leadership, management skills.