Tere Bin, a highly popular ongoing drama serial, has garnered significant attention with 53 aired episodes and over 25 weeks of trending. However, dedicated viewers and true fans of Tere Bin feel that the show has reached its end after the separation of Meerab and Murtasim. They are urging the producers to conclude the show immediately. In episode 53, fans had high expectations for Meerab and Murtasim to finally meet and confess their love. Unfortunately, this anticipated moment did not transpire. Fans expressed their disappointment with scenes where Meerab and Murtasim came close but missed each other. They were particularly displeased with a scene featuring a medical report lacking the patient’s name. Fans questioned how Murtasim could not see Meerab’s name on the report. Fans have described the drama as senseless, illogical, pathetic, and boring. They believe that the main leads have transformed into completely negative characters. Criticizing the lack of authenticity, one fan commented, ‘There is nothing Pakistani in this show except the fact that it is produced in Pakistan.’ Frustrated fans directed their anger towards the writer, Nooran Makhdoom. They perceive Tere Bin as a reflection of reality, holding the writer responsible for every problem faced by Meerab and Murtasim. Many fans have stopped watching the drama and are relying on promos until the reunion of Meerab and Murtasim or the airing of the final episode.