Shah Rukh Khan’s Jawan release has hindered the release of the much-awaited film Fukrey 3. Initially, makers announced to release the new Fukrey sequel on September 7. But yesterday, Shah Rukh Khan revealed that his upcoming film Jawan is now releasing on that date. Therefore, the makers have now decided to delay the film until November in order to avoid a clash. The news has been shared by trade analyst, Taran Adarsh via Twitter. He wrote: “FUKREY 3 MOVES TO NEW DATE #Fukrey3 – which was scheduled for release on #Janmashtami weekend – will now release on 24 Nov 2023. Directed by #MrighdeepSinghLamba and produced by #RiteshSidhwani and #FarhanAkhtar.” The famous franchise filled with fun and laughter revolves around the lives of four friends who try every method and strategy to earn money which eventually ends up pushing them into trouble. It features Pulkit Samrat, Varun Sharma, Pankaj Tripathi, Richa Chadha and Ali Fazal in lead roles. As per India Today, Ali Fazal won’t be returning for the third part. Fukrey franchise is directed by Mrighdeep Singh Lamba.