Indian actor and dancer, Rakhi Sawant alias Fatima recently shared her experience while offering Namaz-e-Fajr, and said that, while praying she felt like she should forgive her former husband Adil, as Ramadan is the month of good deeds and forgiveness. Rakhi was very heartbroken and shattered when she made her divorce public, as she embraced Islam for her former husband who later cheated on her with another woman. Rakhi shared her video message on social media sites letting her fans know that she still practices Islam and Islamic teachings. Recently she shared her videos where she expressed her wish to visit Makkah for performing Umrah and asked Allah Pak for forgiveness, she also shared her feelings for her ex-husband and said that she prays that the court grants him bail as she cannot forgive him for cheating on her. Rakhi also said that she tried her best to be a good wife for Adil but he never returned the favor and instead broke her heart, she loved him a lot. She said that the allegations against him were serious but if he does get bail somehow, she advises him to not ruin anyone’s life just how he did hers. Earlier, Rakhi announced her marriage with Adil Khan in the start of 2023, she also revealed her acceptance of Islam, a few months later she filed cases of cheating against her husband and police arrested him after legal procedures were done.