Rekha, the veteran actress has been staying away from the big screens for the last few years. However, this has not made the legend’s fans miss her, as she often takes social media by storm, with her public appearances. The celebrated actress, who broke all the fashion norms of Bollywood and made sarees trend like no other, can still give the young actresses a run for their money with her stunning appearances and impeccable fashion choices. Rekha is now winning the internet with her recent uber-cool saree look. In the recent pictures and video which are going viral on social media, Rekha is seen in a rather unconventional choice – a simple yet elegant cotton saree, which is teamed up with a pair of sneakers. Yes, you read it right. Rekha, who visited renowned designer Manish Malhotra at his Mumbai residence on Saturday night, looked stunning in an off-white mul cotton saree with a golden border. The veteran actress completed her look with a matching potli bag, a top knot hairdo, classic deep red lips make-up look, a pair of golden chaandbalis, and statement sunglasses. But what caught our eye is Rekha’s unconventional fashion choice, to team up her classic saree look with a pair of white and golden sneakers. As always, Rekha had a fun interaction with the paparazzi photographers, who were present in front of Manish Malhotra’s residence. The veteran actress smiled when the paps asked her about the surprise visit, and thanked them after clicking pictures. Rekha was accompanied by her long-time manager and best friend, Farzana. The yesteryear superstar was last seen in a lead role in the 2014-released film Super Nani. She later made cameo appearances in the 2015-released Amitabh Bachchan-Dhanush starter Shamitabh, and the 2018-released Deol family film Yamla Pagla Deewana: Phir Se. She had made a voice appearance in the popular Salman Khan show Bigg Boss 15 as Vishwasuntree, a talking tree.