Actress Mehwish Hayat took to twitter and asked her fans for advice regarding the length of her hair.
She tweeted about her ‘odd’ length of hair and engaged her fans over what kind of hairstyle the actress should go for.
“Hello friends. My hair is at an odd length right now and I am a little confused.. Should I let them grow longer ? Or get a fresh haircut and go shorter ?? Woman getting haircut help me decide .. x”
She asked her female followers to help her decide whether she should grow them longer or if its a good idea to get a fresh new cut and go shorter.
The Load Wedding star shared a stunning photo of herself with long hair, while posting the same picture on her instagram account.
In the comments section, fans and fellow celebrities offered their advice, with the majority advising her to let her hair grow longer.
Fans on social media have flocked to the adorable photo of Mehwish with long hair.
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