Usman Buzdar met with PTI office bearers and MPAs at Circuit House, Bahawalpur on Friday. During the meeting, different matters came under discussion including the situation of coronavirus, ongoing anti-locust operation, development schemes and establishment of Southern Punjab secretariat. CM said that posting of ACS and Additional IG in southern Punjab secretariat will be made soon and they will be posted in Bahawalpur and Multan. Southern Punjab secretariat will be made functional very soon, he affirmed. Usman Buzdar maintained that PTI has taken exemplary steps to remove the deprivations of southern Punjab adding that people of southern Punjab will not have to go to Lahore now due to establishment of a separate secretariat. The establishment of a separate secretariat was the right of people of Southern Punjab which has been given to them by the PTI government, he maintained. He told that re-appropriation of funds, meant for southern Punjab, to some other project or city, has already been banned. The sense of deprivation of southern Punjab is ended due to the steps taken by the PTI government. The CM regreted that southern Punjab residents were duped with lofty slogans but past rulers did nothing for southern Punjab except lip-service. The people of backward areas were ignored in past tenures and the residents of southern Punjab have taken revenge of their excesses by defeating them in general elections. The deprivations of the southern Punjab will be turned into prosperity and happiness, the CM assured.
Meanwhile, Usman Buzdar took an aerial view of Rahim Yar Khan, Rojhan, Bhong, Sadiqabad, Kot Sabzal and other areas on Friday to review the damages caused to the crops due to locust attack and issued necessary directions to the DG PDMA who accompanied the Chief Minister. The CM directed to take every step to counter locust attack adding that saving crops from locust swarms is the priority of the government. Every effort should be made to minimize the damages and scope of the anti-locust spray should be further extended as one billion rupees have been issued to succeed the anti-locust drive, he said. He further directed to take prior steps to save the crops from any possible locust attack in coming days.
The CM also reviewed the coronavirus SOPs’ implementation and expressed concern over the violation of SOPs in bazaars. He directed strict compliance and made it clear that law will come into action in case of any non-compliance because SOPs are designed to protect the lives of the citizens.
Meanwhile, Usman Buzdar took an aerial view of Rahim Yar Khan, Rojhan, Bhong, Sadiqabad, Kot Sabzal and other areas on Friday to review the damages caused to the crops due to locust attack and issued necessary directions to the DG PDMA who accompanied the Chief Minister. The CM directed to take every step to counter locust attack adding that saving crops from locust swarms is the priority of the government. Every effort should be made to minimize the damages and scope of the anti-locust spray should be further extended as one billion rupees have been issued to succeed the anti-locust drive, he said. He further directed to take prior steps to save the crops from any possible locust attack in coming days.
The CM also reviewed the coronavirus SOPs’ implementation and expressed concern over the violation of SOPs in bazaars. He directed strict compliance and made it clear that law will come into action in case of any non-compliance because SOPs are designed to protect the lives of the citizens.
Chief Minister Punjab Sardar Usman Buzdar took an aerial view of Rahim Yar Khan, Rojhan, Bhong, Sadiqabad, Kot Sabzal and other areas on Friday to review the damages caused to the crops due to locust attack and issued necessary directions to the DG PDMA who accompanied the Chief Minister.
The CM directed to take every step to counter locust attack adding that saving crops from locust swarms is the priority of the government. Every effort should be made to minimize the damages and scope of the anti-locust spray should be further extended as one billion rupees have been issued to succeed the anti-locust drive, he said. He further directed to take prior steps to save the crops from any possible locust attack in coming days.
The CM also reviewed the coronavirus SOPs’ implementation and expressed concern over the violation of SOPs in bazaars. He directed strict compliance and made it clear that law will come into action in case of any non-compliance because SOPs are designed to protect the lives of the citizens.
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