
  • Op-Ed

Kabul – Chaos and Terrorism

As three and a half years of the Islamic Emirate's (IAG) rule in Kabul march forward, chaos and instability reign.…

1 week ago
  • Op-Ed

Who Blinked First?

Three years ago, on February 24, 2022, when Russia attacked Ukraine, most analysts believed that it may have made a…

2 weeks ago
  • Op-Ed

The Downfall of the European Economy

The European economy, once a bastion of stability and growth, is facing unprecedented challenges as it grapples with the dual…

2 weeks ago
  • Op-Ed

Is Pakistan’s Judiciary ‘Blind’? – VII

Many, espousing causes of freedom and justice, quote an apocryphal anecdote, attributed to Winston Churchill (1874-1965). The British Prime Minister…

2 weeks ago
  • Op-Ed

The ISKP Threat

Three and half years of IAG's rule in Kabul is marked with nothing but chaos, instability, infighting between different groups,…

2 weeks ago
  • Op-Ed

Youth and the Pakistan Army

A few days ago, during a speech at a ceremony, Army Chief General Syed Asim Munir remarked, "Where are those…

2 weeks ago
  • Op-Ed

Local Coal: Key to National Interest

When it comes to maintaining a healthy energy mix, countries which are self-sufficient concerning indigenous fuel sources prioritize power generation…

2 weeks ago
  • Op-Ed

Europe Parting Ways with the US

Vice President J D Vance's unwarranted, harsh, and undiplomatic remarks to European leaders deeply wounded the longstanding alliance between the…

2 weeks ago
  • Op-Ed

Breaking Glass Ceilings

As I walked through the corridors of the Punjab Assembly last year, I was confident that Punjab was on the…

2 weeks ago
  • Op-Ed

Population Explosion

Pakistan is experiencing rapid population growth. By 2025, it's expected to surpass 240 million people.While this demographic shift presents the…

2 weeks ago