Punjabi is a flamboyant language. Its one-liners convey more than a thousand words. The present situation brings to mind “chor uchka Chaudhry tey gundee Run bardhan.” It translates “when the head of a clan is a rogue and a thief, his gangster counterpart reigns supreme.” I don’t need to indentify the head clansman or his counterpart. I leave it to your imagination.
Palace intrigues abound on the national scene. The ruling regime and its backers have seen all their assumptions crumble like a sand castle wiped out by a big wave. Reports that PM IK’s popularity was at its lowest ebb triggered the regime change. Removing IK would be welcomed as relief. Then their narrative builders would step in and finish PTI off as a tragic episode in our chequered history. The foreigners’ political had objectives and their local collaborators had a narrow selfish platform.
Kudos to the heightened levels of awareness of the nation. PM IK was handed Aladdin’s lamp in the shape of a cipher sent by our Ambassador in USA. IK was not the intended recipient. When Providence is your side it opens pathways that do not exist. Unsung heroes did their part; they informed the Foreign Minister who in turn passed it on to PM IK. IK took the righteous path and went public. Masses responded as never seen before. What was intended to be end of PTI turned out to be its new beginnings.
Democracy by the people, for the people is the new reality after 75 years of Pakistan’s existence. It emerged as a ground swell beyond the imagination of the perpetuators. It has manifested itself time and again in every public gathering that IK has held. 17th July saw how public support translates into electoral verdict. We saw the strongest turnout in any by-elections ever. Despite highest levels of vote rigging by those in power, PTI swept the polls.
Democracy by the people, for the people is the new reality after 75 years of Pakistan’s existence
It has sent the imported regime and their powerful backers into a tail spin. This was further accentuated by the public responding on 13th August in Lahore to IK’s call. Despite the lies of mercenary media, the eye of the camera told the truth. The audience’s emotional participation, the expressions on their faces, their determination has completely unnerved the most powerful quarters. IK’s announcement of his program to continue such gatherings all over Pakistan has caused vertigo amongst them.
How are they responding? They have unleashed vicious attacks on multiple fronts to cage a tiger. What is clearly evident is that PDM is incapable of taking on IK politically. Two anemic attempts were made on 14th August. They announced an event in Islamabad D Chowk to be addressed by the lead attack dog and other Ministers. It was a total fiasco. Few hundred attendees aggressively resisted. It led the organizers to abandon the program. Maryam Aurangzeb never showed up. The 2nd was a mujra event in Lahore that was a slap on the face of drowning masses in Sind, Baluchistan and Southern Punjab.
Shahbaz Gill is their new scapegoat. This soft handed academic from Illinois is being squeezed and beaten to make him an approver against IK. What is his sin? He may have over-stepped by asking the ranks not to obey illegal orders in this fascist regime. This issue was resolved in Nuremburg trial in 1945 when Nazi executioners try to hide behind the argument that they were following orders. The judgment stated that “illegal orders are not to be followed.” This was reinforced by Pakistan’s Supreme Court. Nevertheless justice must be allowed to follow its course. His illegal beatings are criminal. Compare Gill’s infraction to the muck vomited by Nawaz Sharif, his daughter and down the line, where Army’s leadership was abused by name. In all fairness these guys should be tried for treason.
PDM leadership’s only political trump card is to bring back Nawaz Sharif. They are projecting it as the return of Imam Khomeini in Iran. Actually, he is being thrown out of UK because his visa extension appeal has been rejected. Nawaz is petrified of jail. He refuses to go there from the luxury of his Mayfair apartments. Whether he lands in Pakistan or Maldives is up in the air. From IK’s perspective it is “bring it on!”
PDM achieved its objective of killing accountability. They have one pending item. The new Army Chief. Historically it used to done in utmost secrecy. Woe on social media which has opened up the process for the masses. Experts have shown a light on all the contenders including their affiliations. Another disaster is in the making. This regime has lost all focus. They are totally engrossed in eliminating IK’s challenge. They are totally paralyzed about the impending economic debacle. Exports have plummeted, remittances are down. IMF’s 1.2 billion injection is already eaten up by the drop in the dollar inflow. At best it is a temporary solution. What is required is political stability that will lead to economic stability. It can only be achieved through an early free and fair election.
Ham fisted shutting down of ARY or bullying BOL is only galvanizing the public behind IK. He can wait it out with his Governments in all the Provinces except Sind. Baluchistan is malleable that can go either way. It is the future of Pakistan as a viable economic entity that is at stake. Mindless ego pandering will lead to a national disaster. Let the people speak. Let the nation be rid of these scoundrels.
The writer is the director of CERF, a non-profit, charitable organisation in Canada.
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