Balkaur Singh, the father of Sidhu Moose Wala, had a tattoo of his son’s face placed on his arm. In a video posted on social media, fans praised and showered him with love in a video tribute to the late Punjabi singer-rapper. Sidhu was shot and killed on May 29 in Punjab at the age of 28.
The late singer’s father got a tattoo of his son’s face along with the Punjabi word “Sarwan Putt,” which roughly translates to “obedient or caring son.” In honour of her deceased son, Charn Kaur, Sidhu’s mother, also got a tattoo. Her tattoo read “Shubh Sarwan Putt” in Punjabi, matching that of her husband. Shubhdeep Singh Sidhu was the real name of the late singer-rapper.
Sidhu Moose Wala’s official Instagram account, which the family decided to keep active to stay in touch with his admirers, posted a video of Balkaur Singh receiving a tattoo. Sidhu’s face is made on his father’s arm in the Instagram Stories video that was posted. An image posted later on Instagram Stories shows a distinct tattoo.
Many fans have shared the video and photo on social media and showered love on Sidhu Moose Wala’s parents for their heartfelt move. While some expressed sadness at the late singer’s shocking death, others said his parents were doing everything they can to keep his memory alive. Commenting on the video of Balkaur Singh getting inked, which was shared on a paparazzi account on Instagram on Friday, a fan wrote, “It is heart-breaking.” A person also wrote, “Miss you legend (Sidhu Moose Wala).” Another one said, “Seeing them (Sidhu Moose Wala’s parents) makes me so sad.”
On May 29, a gunman in Punjab’s Mansa district shot and killed Sidhu Moose Wala. According to reports, two gang members with connections to the murder of the late singer-rapper were shot and killed in an encounter in the Amritsar district’s Cheecha Bhakna hamlet. Prior to the Punjab state Assembly elections in December 2021, Sidhu joined the Congress party. This was months before his death.
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