Unspeakable atrocities continue in Indian Occupied Kashmir

Author: APP

Indian brutalities are at its peak in Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) as the people in the territory are witnessing unspeakable atrocities at the hands of Indian troops.

Killings, arrests and torture are widespread in IIOJK and besides killing the Kashmiris, the Indian troops are destroying their properties and demolishing their homes in the occupied territory, said a report released by the Kashmir Media Service (KMS) on Sunday.

It deplored that the Indian atrocities against the Kashmiris had increased manifold since Aug 5, 2019 when the Modi-led fascist Indian government repealed Kashmiris’ special status and imposed military siege in the territory.

The report said, unending stories of tragedy and trauma are surfacing every other day, adding that over 96,000 killings since 1989 are testimony to Indian barbarism in IIOJK.

It lamented that the Modi regime was using every undemocratic method to fortify its military hold in the occupied territory. It said thousands of Kashmiris are languishing in Indian jails under black laws and they are not even provided hygienic food and medical facilities in jails.

The report maintained that the international rights bodies had repeatedly raised alarm about rights violations by Indian troops in IIOJK as the Kashmiri people had been bearing the atrocities of the Indian troops for over seven decades.

It said the world’s criminal silence over Indian barbarism in IIOJK is highly condemnable and the United Nations and global powers must take practical steps to save the Kashmiris from Indian onslaught.

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