Democracy in ruins

Author: Syed M Hamza

The politics of Pakistan has yet again entered an unchartered territory. Those in government and those in opposition parties are trying to whip and gather as many lawmakers as they can for vote of no confidence. The common man views the whole fiasco as a powerless spectator.  2 MNAs of ruling party took law into their own hands and attacked the Sindh House in order to reveal the face of turnouts. Many people are arguing that PTI Members should not have indulged in such activities but only few people are talking about the reason due to which those political deserters were present there in the first place. These turncoats were elected by the people of this country to serve the interests of our community but unfortunately they were found to be serving their own interests hiding inside the Sindh House. They claim on voting on the day of vote of no confidence according to their conscience but sadly they will be voting according to their highest bidder. During a press conference, Energy Minister Hammad Azhar said, “This is not the voice of conscience but (rather the voice of) money”.  The opposition claims to be standing for justice, transparency, and democracy however in reality they are standing for their hunger and lust for power. They are buying votes by targeting the MNAs with low moral and ethical values through enormous wealth accumulated through illegal means over the years when they were in power. If the government had any intention of buying votes, they could have done it easily, but they are choosing to stay away from dirty and low politics.

Albeit Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) has failed to do any development or uplift Sindh, it is still trying to overthrow the current government and come into power. UNDP’s Multidimensional Poverty Index indicates that 87 % of people are currently living under poverty in Thar along with a high infant mortality. Moreover, literacy rate is below 20% and according to the Human Development Index (HDI), Tharparker ranked 109th out of 114th districts that were surveyed. Due to lack of proper diet and malnutrition, 1,500 children lose their lives annually in the same district. Clean water remains an intricate issue in Thar which the Sindh government has failed to resolve to this day. Due to gross negligence and low maintenance, 90% of the 500 RO plants installed for water supply became dysfunctional within just 2 years of installation. If PPP had any intention of serving this nation, they would have shown it by working for the poor and destitute in Sindh where they are in power. On the other hand, Pakistan Muslim league (Nawaz) is not so behind either in damaging this country. If its leaders had any respect and honor for this country, they would not have been found guilty in corruption and embezzlement scandals. If Nawaz sharif was as honest as he claims, he would not have been declared an absconder. An absconder who is hiding in London and is afraid to face the corruption charges and sentence in Pakistan.

On the other hand, PM Imran khan has not only managed the Covid crises in an excellent manner but formed a firm posture against foreign powers who have caused instability in the region. Conducting the recent OIC conference in Pakistan was a huge success that showed the world, Muslims are united and stand alongside each other. The survey conducted by World Bank showed that Pakistan has the lowest unemployment rate of 4.3% in South Asia countries.  In addition, PM Imran Khan was successful in conducting an enormous rally on 27th March in the Capital where hundreds of thousands of people came from all around the country to show support for their honest and dauntless leader. During the rally, Prime Minister has made it very clear that certain foreign elements have threatened to dislodge the government.

We must understand that consequences of actions taken by inefficient opposition is causing detrimental side effects. Whenever a government is unstable in a country, it takes a toll on its stock market. When the Federal ministers are under stress, they can’t work efficiently on their basic designated jobs. PPP and PML(N) that have criticized each other many times in the past have gathered along with JUI(F) against sitting government with all their strength. For now, time will tell if the current government is successful in getting the desired votes on the day of vote of no confidence or not but the as Energy Minister Hammad Azhar said, “The captain’s innings is about to start… don’t draw any conclusions yet.”

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