Saima’s statement triggers humorous public reaction

Author: Staff Report

The actress Saima Noor had been known for ruling over the Pakistan’s Film Industry with her acting in Urdu and Punjabi movies.

The renowned actress has also charmed her fans with her performance in many hit dramas. While Saima’s husband Syed Noor is a well-known director and he has directed many films and dramas.

Recently while tackling a question answer session on Instagram story, the actress was being asked by her fans that why she does not show up on TV. Saima Noor replied that it’s a bitter reality that people don’t watch PTV anymore as she confused TV with PTV and that brust the fans into hysterics.

No matter what brought up the topic, but the actress expressed that how things have changed. Her stance for sure made many a bit nostalgic giving a flashback of the past of Pakistan’s drama Industry. She further added that, “I still love PTV as it stands for Pakistan Television.”

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