Understanding China

Author: Muhammad Asif Noor

President Xi addressed the International Understanding China Conference and argued that understanding the composition and vision of Communist Party China (CPC) was necessary to understand China. President Xi delivered a video keynote speech at the opening ceremony of the Understanding China Conference 2021. This is an important year as the CPC is celebrating its 100th anniversary of the founding of the CPC.

Understanding China is an international conference where Chinese leadership takes the world into confidence about its development and foreign policy and tries to address global apprehensions regarding China. The Understanding China Conference in question is the fifth in a series providing a platform. This conference is not only for the Chinese leadership but the foreign states to forge their friendship and develop more bilateral understanding for close cooperation with China. In this way, global leaders can bring forward their common ideas to find common ground for cooperation driven by mutual trust, respect and equality.

This year’s theme was “Whence and Whither-Unprecedented Changes in the World and China and the CPC,” which acknowledged the global transition through the worst phase of pandemic towards post-pandemic. This theme also acknowledges the special place of CPC in the national ethos of the Chinese lives and letters. The CPC has provided the required vision and direction in its 100-years-history to make the country reach the glorious times. It is important to grasp the essence of prevalent global challenges and draw lessons from history to correctly foresee future challenges.

China has learned from the historic challenges of war, strategic confrontation, unilateralism and non-cooperation. Under the outstanding leadership of President Xi, China embarked on the journey of national rejuvenation and shared the future of mankind through multilateralism, immense cooperation, mutual development, equality and respect.

President Xi termed diplomacy a supreme cause and a noble struggle with transparency and fair practices.

President Xi termed diplomacy a supreme cause and a noble struggle with transparency and fair practices. Under the able CPC Central Committee, China’s art of diplomacy made a great leap forward in the face of sociopolitical, economic and security challenges. Since the 2012 Party Congress, Secretary-General Xi Jinping has always been mindful of national and international developments and provided comprehensive direction to Chinese strategic communications and foreign policy goals.

President Xi noted that China has never forgone its traditional art of diplomacy and let global trends alter Chinese goals rather China developed a unique style with Chinese characteristics of conveying its message to the world. China has created a spirit of reciprocity, a flexible style of negotiation, and opened new horizons in the realm of contemporary diplomacy with Chinese features.

President Xi acknowledges that the world is passing through unprecedented political and technological changes coupled with the COVID-19 epidemic which has pushed the world into a constant phase of change. Given the accelerated pace of events, President Xi says, it is pertinent for global leaders to exchange ideas for close coordination and cooperation. The states can collectively respond to the emerging challenges and mutually harness the benefits of emerging prospects but if the tendency of separatism and exclusion continue to exist, the world might lose pace with changing times.

Noting that this year marks the 100th anniversary of the founding of the CPC and the 50th anniversary of the resumption of the UN seat, President Xi has also shed light on the role of CPC that has made Chinese people united. CPC has led the Chinese people in coordination to make endless efforts for national rejuvenation and fulfilling China Dream which left impregnable marks on 20th-century politics. China has been able to bring 100 million people out of poverty and surpassed economic growth anywhere in the world. It could not be a possibility without the central role of CPC in the Chinese socio-political landscape.

President Xi stated that the 19th CPC Central Committee, in its sixth plenary session, adopted a resolution on the Major Achievements and Historical Experience of the Party which draws an analysis of historic experiences to mend the shortcomings into complete success in the future. He further stated that CPC will not only draw lessons from history but also forge a strong plan of action by sticking to its socialist ideals with Chinese characteristics to unite and lead the Chinese people on a new journey to build a modern socialist welfare state.

Over the years, CPC has prioritized people, committed to its core mission of serving them wholeheartedly and adhering to the philosophy of human-centred development, for the promotion of universal prosperity. CPC will consistently pursue the path of peaceful and open development in the world, work for a society with a shared future of mankind while upholding fundamental human liberties, core values of peace, development, impartiality, justice, democracy, and freedom.

The writer is Founder (Friends of Belt and Road Initiative).

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