The Jawaani Phir Nahi Aani actor took to Twitter late on Tuesday to share that he is “in the process of writing a book,” which is ‘obviously’ about God.
While he did not reveal much about the book that he is currently penning, he did reveal a tentative time-frame for its release. “Hoping to be done by June 2021, Insha Allah,” he said, adding, “Will be a little inactive on social media because of that.”
The announcement does not come as much of a surprise after Abbasi made the most of his downtime during the pandemic making YouTube videos with various Islamic scholars.
The announcement does not come as much of a surprise after Abbasi made the most of his downtime during the pandemic making YouTube videos with various Islamic scholars
Just last year, Abbasi had announced that he will be stepping back from a career on-screen, sharing his journey from ‘atheism to Islam’.
“I had this divine intervention some time back, that all that I am doing in this world will end the moment I die. All these trophies, all these accolades will not bring me any good on the Day of Judgment when I meet my Maker. I have decided that I want to leave everything that might be a hurdle when it comes to making my matters easier on the Day of Judgment,” he had said in the video announcement.
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