The Pyare Afzal actor took to Instagram on Sunday to share a video of herself on a shooting range with her husband, who she says is introducing her to firearms. And, if looks are anything to go by, Sana looked pretty excited for the experience, albeit a bit scared!
“Fun day at the shooting range,” she shared, adding, “My Husband introducing me to firearms and self-defense. I look scared here but I’m willing to learn,” with an emoji of flexing biceps.
She then went on to thank Umair for encouraging her to take this important step, keeping the increasing cases of violence and abuse against women and children in the country.
Many of the couple’s fans lauded the two for sharing the commendable decision with the public, thereby encouraging other women to learn self-defense. “Every woman should learn self-defense and every man should be like your husband, who wants to empower women rather than telling them to make a sandwich and a cup of tea every ten minutes,” wrote one user in the comments section.
Another chimed in, “Every woman in Pakistan should carry and use a gun as hostility towards women and children is on the rise! Self-defense is a must now for us!”
Kudos to Sana and Umair for setting a great example for their fans and followers!
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