Bollywood star Ranveer Singh is set to team up with filmmaker Rohit Shetty for the comedy movie ‘Cirkus’. The film is based on William Shakespeare’s classic play “The Comedy of Errors”, which revolves around two sets of identical twins who were accidentally separated at birth. The movie marks Singh and Shetty’s third project together after their 2018 action blockbuster “Simmba” and upcoming “Sooryavanshi”, in which the actor has a special appearance. According to a press release issued by the makers, ‘Cirkus’ will be presented by Bhushan Kumar of T-Series in association with Reliance Entertainment. The film also features actors Pooja Hegde, Jacqueline Fernandez, Varun Sharma, Siddhartha Jadhav, Johnny Lever, Sanjay Mishra, Vrajesh Hirjee, Vijay Patkar, Sulbha Arya, Mukesh Tiwari, Anil Charanjeett, Ashwini Kalsekar and Murli Sharma. “Cirkus” is set to go on floors next month and will be shot in Mumbai, Ooty, and Goa. The makers are eyeing to release the film in winter 2021. Singh is currently looking forward to the release of his Kabir Khan-directed sports drama “83” and Yash Raj Films’ “Jayeshbhai Jordaar”. Shetty is awaiting the release of his much-anticipated cop drama “Sooryavanshi”. Starring Akshay Kumar and Katrina Kaif.
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