Whereas recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world,(Preamble UDHR 1948)
The recent glimpses of a child rape floating on social media can be taken a warning at least by those parents who in their blind trust send the innocent souls to the so called spiritual parents, teachers Qaris .The agony ,the depression along with total submission was very much visible on the face of the victim and seemed he had given up and had accepted the act being fragile and weak .On contrary the perpetrator didn’t have had the slightest impression with a blank face with no worries .I was wondering at the ease and calmness that monster was having as if pretty sure he can’t be caught with this heinous crime because he was associated with a profession which is taken as sacred profession or may be the blind trust the parent had .I kept thinking at the dual situation whether to appreciate the social media which raised the issue and lead the culprit behind the bars or to mourn the trauma and stigmatization the victim had gone through and will go through it all his life .The last nail in the coffin of his traumawas the photo shoot with the police official who invited him to police station to ensure that the beast who ashamed the humanity his conviction will be ensured?I still have the question boggling my mind . Are we insensitive? Is it the lack of empathy that we are never educated on? Is it the consistent deterioration of moral values? Is it the blind trust ?Kasur case created hype for abit but then slowly and gradually vanished in the flood of popping up breaking news ,The heart wrenching Zainab Ansari case , the culprit apparently associated with a religious party ,The religious cleric in Haripur ,The Principal of a private school in Peshawar with his specialization in Islamiat,the Fraishata case and many more may be happening around but unfortunately not reported again due to multiple factors .A hype is created ,trend on social media for death penalty and that’s it till the next case erupts After passing alaw in parliament in March 2020 spurred by Zainab Ansari scase it was assumed that may be a deterrent is created but it is very unfortunate that along with the legislation we lack a holistic approach towards the core issues core reasons which lead to these unforgivable crimes Globally it is estimated that up to 1billion childrenaged two to 17 years have experienced physical emotional or sexual violence till now. Sexual violence includes non-consensual completed or attempted sexual contact and acts of a sexual nature not involving contact (such as voyeurism or sexual harassment) acts of sexual trafficking committed against someone who is unable to consent or refuse; and online exploitation. Child sexual abuse includes sexual activity with a minor and the perpetrator harms a minor emotionally , psychologically ,physically or sexually .There are many forms of this crime and times the physical contact isn’t necessary for instance the perpetrator exposes exhibits himself to the minor ,molestation,sharing of obscene content and sexof anykind including vaginal oral or anal or any other sexual conduct which is harmful to thepsychological physical and mental growth of the minor(under18).Well wouldn’t you believe that while defining it I am going through a strange feeling as talking aboutitstill a taboo .The victims are very difficult to identify in such cases however some behavioral signs can be looked for likedeveloping phobias,changing hygiene habits’ ,depression ,bed wetting ,running away avoiding school gatherings and aggressivebehaviorsetc but again it is also a fact that such behaviors are taken normal and associated with many other situations and factors I mean parents would hardly think that the child may have been a victim of sexual abuse. Looking at the dynamics of child abuse as per WHO sguideline it states that child sexual abuse is totally different from that of an adult and that’s why each case needs to be dealt differently .For instance physical force is rarely used as the perpetrator takes the benefit of trust a child has towards him,Secondly it wouldn’t happen just once but continues. In our case there are various risks which make the children vulnerable Firstly we the Islamic republic of Pakistan the followers of areligion of peace and dignity are taking along many things which may not be the actual religion .I think religion never prohibits a father or a mother to talk to their children regarding the preventive measures to be taken for their bodies no matter boys or girls but in our case it is also a fact that the cultural values of the dominance of the elders/parents listening to the elders is practiced by all means either by love ,by anger by harsh words ,whatever technique suits to maintain the control and submission specially when it comes to parent no matter in urban areas or rural . It leads to a huge vacum a big gap, the barrier of communication between the child and parents or hisor her elder Again the overreactions even on thepetty issues ultimately closes the doors for clear communication between the two or three and as a result if a minor even if goes through something unpleasant ,wouldn’t share .The reluctance on part of the child in sharing his or her feelings the dictatorial patriarchy ,and also the hush hush role of mothers in fact has multilayered impacts pushing the innocent into an ongoing trauma .The continued blind trust despite the happenings as most of the abusers are close ones not necessarily relatives though and the negation of the situation even if a child comes up with something is another aspect .Then the poverty and the rampant growth in population leaving minimum spaces of living within a mediocre home and pushing the children out to streets for playing because the tired father or mother needs to sleep in the Summer season .A golden opportunity for the predators I would call them ,to find their prey easily .The low conviction rate in such cases ,and the access to internet for all sorts of matrials can also be taken into consideration.The result is eveident.Frustration caused results availing any possible opportunity in access.Pretending to be religious pious ,upholding the pious image indifferent to worldly desires but hypocrisy and desires of human beings there .
There have been talks of single national Curriculum and reforms .Let’s see how sex education can be incorporated without getting into clash with moral and ethical values .In this era of technology various means can be looked for
The issues of child abuse needs to be looked into with a magnifying lens instead of going for apparent changes .Firstly it’s the parent child relationship which has to be as open as it can be ,give them the trust give them the confidence to talk to you believe me if we do so that would definitely help many .The second role goes to school .There have been talks of single national Curriculum and reforms .Let’s see how sex education can be incorporated without getting into clash with moral and ethical values .In this era of technology various means can be looked for . Believe me the real spiritual parents can do miracles to curb this menace .Last but not the least Speedy trials and convictions plus the effective use of media and social media needs to be focused.
We have ministry human rights, Child protection Commissions ,various help lines. Lets have collective concerted efforts as the cause is the same ,to protect the dignity of a minor as state s child. You cannot control a crime by banning you tube ,by banning games by suggesting changes in attire of girls and boys ,by wearing caps as these are cosmetic measures lets see what are the ground realities .A collaboration between the state organs and Civil Society Organizations can also be productive in the long run ,Its just a matter of few steps.
The writer has experience in the field of education and is currently working as a resource person in the development sector
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