Serial reminiscent of the Ottoman Empire construction

Author: Yasir Jamal

‘Dirilis Ertugrul’ is a historical drama based on the warrior Ertugrul from the 13th Century, the warrior who still lives in the hearts of Muslims and also about his father Usman – the founder of Ottoman Empire.

This drama is put forward by Turkey and has encompassed all the Muslims countries in its lap. This serial comprises 5 seasons; and each season owes almost 70 episodes. This Series has gained a fine popularity among Muslim countries in which “Pakistan” is the 1st One to watch this drama the most. Ertugrul Serial is trending in almost 60 countries. But unfortunately countries like Egypt, India, and America have banned this drama cause this serial has broken all previous records which took decades to build. This drama is translated into various languages which has made this serial as a blockbuster On Netflix too.

This serial is reminiscent of the Ottoman Empire construction. As per authorities, it is being said that there were 30 documented papers, on which the Ertugrul Serial is based on. The writer of the serial Dirili? Ertu?rul also mentions in his article that “there is no certainty in this historical data. But history has a soul. We think that we describe the spirit of the 13th century in history. We are shaping a story by dreaming”. So we must not see it in the vision of our history. But yes we can say that it was more or less like it.

Purportedly haters are always apparent when there is a tremendous victory. Similar is the case here. The west has banned this drama. No doubt just because this drama is bringing with it the ideology of Islam. We have applied every western ritual in our culture; be it dressing style, language, customs, traditions, lifestyle and standards etc. This series is perfectly Islamic-Centred. So we being the Muslims, have sole duty to guide ourselves according to Islamic ways of life. We are ourselves responsible for the Islamophobia because we have handed over the key of our lives to the west by conservatively following the west. So this series is a perfect answer to Islamophobia. I can for sure say that there’s none religion which is most liberal except Islam. The Islam which was 1400 years ago completely contrasts from the modern viewpoint of Muslims regarding Islam. Past centuries have deteriorated the Islamic Concepts.

In this Drama, the main character, Ertugrul can be seen as fighting to preserve the state from cruel non-Muslim leaders with his spirit and compassion. The protagonist’s dialogues, Ethics, values and determination makes him a pure prolific Islamic follower. The script writer of the drama has strived to reveal a real script of Islam through the characters present in the serial. He takes help from Quran and Hadith and Quotes of the Prophets. In this way, the language used in the drama portrays a clear picture of Islamic attitudes. We are introduced to a very controversial term ‘Jihaad’ in this drama. Islam is often accused of Jihaad in modern world. But even Muslims are not aware of the real definition of Jihaad. We can acquire a deep notion of Jihaad from this serial. As i’ve already said that Ertugrul and his tribe fight and live just for the sake of Allah (SWT). Their slogan was “Hither Allah, Haq Allah”. That clearly means live the life Allah (SWT) wants you to live. So the Jihaad that is being shown in the drama is ‘Jihaad Fi Sabililah’ that means Jihaad for the sake of Allah. So we get a well addressed concept of Jihaad from this drama. Ertugrul is the drama that awares us about Revival of Islamic Civilisation that if you carefully extract the ideas depicted in it, we will be only our way to the Islamic centred state.

Bitter fact is that in 21st Century, Muslim countries lack unity. No Muslim Country is amenable to tie it’s knots to another country. Since we all have applied western ways and are heavily suppressed by Western Countries so they do nothing but just leave the spark and we, the Muslim Countries fight with each other. Like Israel targeted Saudi’s area with a rocket and destroyed it. This all Israel later on blamed on Iran. Then what happened, Saudi became enemy to Iran and accused it for attacking their area. So West takes advantage of our sensitive relations. Ertugrul Serial gives us a message of Unity. Ertugrul’s son – Usman who later on founded the Ottoman Empire which dominated half of the World. Muslim rule was touching the horizon in that era. Fortunately, the system was reverse, East ruled the west, not west ruled the east. This all became possible just because of the unity of Muslim states. Muslim Conquerors took Islam to every corner of the world. Their behaviour with the oppressed people was so humble that the people who were non-believers started accepting Islam. Gradually Muslim captured almost all the western countries and in this way they built the Ottoman Empire. There was Unity that can rarely be seen nowadays among Muslim Countries. This Drama strongly reminds us to recall the past and build an Islamic Block through which Muslim Countries should collaborate again and establish their own rule and power. If we talk about recent scenario, Muslim Countries like Syria, Palestine or even Kashmir are brutally oppressed by the Powerful Countries and other developing Muslim countries are silent with regard to this issue Islam orders us to help the destitute and vulnerable; be it countries or their people. All the Muslim Countries are afraid of International Relations. We are heavily relied on them just because we have lost the unity among Muslim Countries. Khilafat-e-Usmania and Ertugrul Strongly alert us not to lose Unity. And be as a One nation.

This drama teaches us lessons such as Stand against Oppression, apply the way of truth, be soft hearted, and all the other teachings which Islam forces it’s believers to follow are depicted in this serial; Such as shelter which the Ertugrul’s tribe gives to the helpless people. We can take example of Halima’s character. She, her brother and father were saved by Ertugrul and then given shelter. Halima who later on became affectionate with Ertugrul and married him. This implies that Our true Muslims leaders were humble, generous and respected people. We get the lesson of Determination too just like the Ertugrul’s and his descendants’ aim was to Build an Islamic block of all the Muslim countries and take Islamic teachings to every corner of the world. So just because they were determined and highly spirited, they succeeded. If we too become determined to anything with the core of the heart, then our destination will be no far away.

Purportedly haters are always apparent when there is a tremendous victory. Similar is the case here. The west has banned this drama. No doubt just because this drama is bringing with it the ideology of Islam

“People are trapped in history and history is trapped in them”. James Baldwin.

Historians are less familiar with the history of Ertugrul. If we trace the roots, then we come to know that the written historical data of Ertugrul was compiled by Ottomans almost about two centuries after his death.

Historical records are a bit confusing, so it’s better to watch serials than to read historical records.

The author of the serial, Early R. Orwell, also stated in his article that “there is no certainty in this historical figure.

But history has a soul.

We think we represent the spirit of the 13th century in history.

We are creating a story by dreaming.

So we should not see it in the vision of our history. But yes we can say that it was more or less like that.

The basic ideology of the series is based on the Sufi culture of Islam.

It teaches how man’s devotion to his God can guide and lead him to success. It also presents a more attractive view of Islamic culture, especially for a new generation of young people who feel alienated from their roots.

We are introduced to Islamic History and culture and being the Muslim, it’s our duty to praise the real sacrifices of Muslim leaders. The Nations which have lost their history are destroyed. There are no any imprints of the nation’s visible on the map of world who have not considered their history as mentor. All the great nations of the world, therefore, remain devotedly attached to the achievements of their ancestors, learn valuable lessons from their mistakes and determine their future course of action accordingly. Unfortunately, ours is a nation, which is utterly oblivious of it’s past. We should welcome Ertugrul Serial with the lens of knowledge.

“Good Tactics” are also highly rooted in this series. Seeing the drama on 360 degree scale, this serial contributes to our knowledge a lot of things. In 13th Century, there was no any concept of a pistol even but up to date, the era is of Nuclear Power. Those who are in opposition to this drama mention that we have nothing to learn from this drama because those people use only swords and other infantry equipment’s which are of no use in modern world. But i totally contradict from the views of those who say so. This drama delivers us a message that whatever armour we possess, how to use it in a positive way. We not only get this lesson but the War Strategies that were devised by those people were too astonishing and dazzling. They were the fit people who were living in an abstract technology world. This is the real story of a real warrior. Unfortunately, our young generation’s mind is overflowed with the fictional characters like Bat Man, Super Man, Spiderman, X-Men, but they have never watched a real character which fortunately existed in the history like the Ertugrul.

One of my friend said to me that Ertugrul is badly shaping our children’s mind. Every little child who have watched Ertugrul drama wants the sword in his hand. Their ideas are exploited by such a bloodshed shown in drama. But I have a good answer to respond them. Actually the fact is the programming of our young generation depends upon us. They are our future stars and heroes. If they are allowed to watch the real leaders history instead of fictional based characters then there mind will certainly be working on a rational level. The exercise is conservatively being shown to audience in the Ertugrul drama. This reveals to us that we being physical fit can attain higher goals. We have to keep this in mind that “No Sword is better than Intellect”. And the key to accelerate the grasp of intellect is Continuous Exercise. It is our duty to aware our generation about these teachings. See there are merits and demerits of everything. Nothing is 100% positive. So we in spite of being the pessimist, should opt for optimist and utilise the real teachings in our life by extracting them from this drama.

Ertugrul serial nourishes us by telling Leadership Qualities. The leader should be Muslim. Instead of reactive, he should be proactive. Characteristics like optimism, loyalty, faithfulness, honesty, Intelligence, Cunningness, and Mercifulness should be deeply rooted in the leader. I can assure my audience that they will find these all in the Ertugrul’s Character. Unfortunately, our recent Muslim Leaders have become Selfish and they only full their pool first then thinks about their nation. In this drama, a small tribe namely “Kaai Tribe” is shown. They were in a minority. They strived, strived and strived. Though they were in minority so just because they had spirit, faith and Belief in Allah (SWT), they dominated the half of the world. This drama teaches us how to deal with conspiracy, cleverness and hypocrisy of enemies. So nothing matters but your ‘Imaan’ though you are small in number. Thus this drama shapes not only the mentality of youngsters but of all the ages and encourage the nation’s spirit and courage.

Well, it is not permissible in Islam to watch any drama or movie unless its 100 percent halal. But if I talk about those people who are addicted to media then I will suggest them to watch this drama. We can’t consider this serial as 100 percent halal but yes where there are vulgar and lavish Dramas, this serial completely differs from them.

In this drama, we can benefit in enormous ways. Such as there the women are shown brave and bold who hold their state when their Men are absent. They take responsibility of being in veil and preserving the state too. Our modern women should benefit from this. They can be securing themselves and their house being in veil.

As I’ve already mentioned that we can better program our young generation by giving them appropriate teachings. We can build a solid Islamic Block and be united with all other Muslim Countries to show west that we are with each other and will defend our brother country in hard times. We have dire need to revive the Islam and its culture so that we may never astray and follow the right path and discover the aim also for which we are sent here.

This drama is reminiscent of Muslim history. We should alter ourselves according to Islamic principles. We should learn from the history and decorate our future by not repeating the mistakes again that were made in the past; due to those the downfall of nations happens. Conclusively, this drama instructs us about the love of Allah and His Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him), the importance of Islam, social welfare, women’s modesty, spirit, courage, determination, the aim of life and so on.

The writer is based in Ghotki, Sindh. He can be reached at

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