Putting an end to violence against women

Author: By Hina Riaz

The word ‘women’ creates several images in one’s mind. Every image of women let it be mother, sister, wife or daughter is perceived through common lens of respect and dignity. Undoubtedly, women are the real architects of the society as no nation can rise to height of glory unless its women are side by side with its men.

The history of Pakistan is full of such amazing women who have proved themselves equally talented, courageous and intelligent as any man has ever witnessed. It is unfortunate to see that despite the fact that women have made their name in politics, medicine, engineering and all the other walks of life, they are still associated with weakness. Women empowerment and gender equality are mere words in our country.

Pakistan has been declared as the third most dangerous country for women after Afghanistan and Congo. In Pakistan, basic rights of women are often violated. People with traditional mindsets do not allow women to leave four walls in the guise of “Haya” leading to their disappearance from social sectors. Women face physical, psychological and economical abuse at different levels all over Pakistan.

Violence against women in Pakistan takes many forms including honour killings, rape, abduction, acid attacks and stove burning by family members. Women are abused at domestic, sexual, economic and psychological levels on the account of ignorance. The most common form of violence against women is domestic violence. Research shows that 70-90% women in Pakistan are victims of domestic violence at least once in their lives.

Violence against women is becoming a serious problem in Pakistan with the alarming rise in cases of violence. A recent report issued by a non-profit women’s rights organisation – the Aurat Foundation – said that every day of the year 2014, six women were murdered, six were kidnapped, four were raped and three committed suicide. Dowry-related violence and acid attacks are in addition to that.

An annual report of the Human Rights Commission Pakistan for the year 2015 states, “939 women became victim of sexual violence, 279 of domestic violence, 143 women were attacked with acid or set on fire, 833 were kidnapped and 1,096 were killed for honour.”

Violence against women syndrome has taken birth due to several reasons. Firstly, male dominated patriarchal structures have placed women in a very vulnerable position. Increased urbanisation and the concomitant fading of the joint family system have exposed women to further abuses. Therefore, when confronted, they hide behind the centuries old patriarchal societal norms and tribal culture, which adheres gender discrimination not only by reinforcing male dominance over female family members but also by sending a message to the females to tolerate and accept injustice, discrimination and violence, as an accepted norm, especially in matrimonial relationship.

Besides, lack of awareness among the ordinary citizen regarding women’s rights and absence of adequate laws has made the situation worse. Over the decades, successive laws have sought to improve the position of women but poor implementation has hindered the goal. It was the need of hour to introduce a well-planned law along with good implementation.

Gladly, the government of Punjab has passed a historic law for the protection of women against violence. The bill ‘Punjab Protection of Women against Violence Bill’ has set Pakistan to become the first country in the region to launch the most women-friendly initiative in the history.

Punjab protection of women against violence bill reflects the vision of Punjab Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif to empower the women of today as our future relies on them. The Women Protection bill will liberate women from the disgust and abuse they have been suffering all their lives. It will safeguard the rights of female segment of the society resulting in justice, equality and peace.

The women protection bill will be implemented in Punjab first as Punjab has been reported with highest registered cases of violence against women. According to Aurat Foundation, in the year of 2014, 7,010 cases of violence against women were registered in Punjab alone.

Punjab protection of women against violence bill is destined to change the fate of women in Punjab. The bill is perfectly in accordance with the constitution of Islamic republic of Pakistan guaranteeing gender equality and protection of women. It redefines violence as any offence committed against a woman, including domestic, sexual, psychological, economic abuse and cybercrime. The bill has 31 clauses providing a system dealing with complaints, assistance, penalties and justice.

The bill will allow women from across the province to report any incident of violence without any fear and hesitation. In the past, women were embarrassed of reporting violence cases in women protection centres as lodging of complaint usually opened another Pandora box for them in the form of delays, lack of cooperation by the staff and embarrassing questions.

The bill will fulfil all the standards of carrying the process with cooperation, dignity and discipline. Mistakes of past would not be repeated in any case. If the court is satisfied that any violence has been committed or is likely to be committed, it may pass a protection order in favour of the aggrieved person and direct the defendant to have no communication with the aggrieved person and maintain safe distance from her. In case of grave violence like endangering life or reputation, the court may order the dependent to wear ankle or wrist bracelet GPS tracker or leave the house.

Under the law, violence against women centres (VAWCs) will be established all over Punjab. It will be the first line of defence for victims providing immediate relief and protection to them.

The centres will remain open 24 hours a day, as protection does not take leave. A specifically designed real time, key stoke monitoring software will connect all the justice delivery departments, evidence will be collected within 24 hours of the assault and thus, prosecution will be strengthened. The government of Punjab has taken adequate measures to make VAWC effective by appointing cooperative and sensible female staff on duty that truly wishes to help the aggrieved person maintaining privacy of their cases. A case flow process will be streamlined with real-time data integration between all the relevant departments enabling single statement for all the relevant departments so the victim may not get puzzled in answering the same questions again and again.

Not only that but all disconnected departments will be brought under one roof in these centres for the first time in the history of Pakistan. Previously, women had to suffer the running in the maze of different departments in acute stress and anxiety but now all the departments including first aid, police reporting, FIR lodging, prosecution, medical examination, forensics and post-trauma rehabilitation will be available within the same VAWC.

Post-trauma rehabilitation will be also provided in these centres to bring the victim back to their normal life. VAW-specific trained psychologist will be appointed for the counselling and guidance of the aggrieved.

Under the law, a family court would fix hearing within seven days from receipt of the complaint. The defendant will have to show cause in court in the same week. In this way justice will reach the women in time. District women protection committees will be also formed under the law.

Moreover, a universal toll-free helpline will be set up to contact the protection centres and shelter homes The easy access to protection centres will prove very beneficial in taking immediate actions against violence.Penalties against violence include six months’ imprisonment or Rs 500, 000 fine for obstructing the district woman protection officer from performing her duties. Violation of interim, protection, monetary or residence orders or illegally interfering with the GPS tracker could result in imprisonment up to one year or impositions of a Rs 200,000 fine. Repeat offenders may attract double the imprisonment and the fine.

Where violence against women has penalties similarly filing of false complaints will also not go unnoticed. Filing a false complaint may lead to imprisonment up to three months or Rs 100,000 fine.

Where majority of Pakistani nation appreciated and endorsed the Punjab Women Protection bill the idea was not digested by all equally. The bill faced reservations by “mullahs” saying that Women Protection Bill is contrary to the teachings of Islam and it will lead to nothing but an increased divorce rate.Before you agree or disagree with the religious scholars you need to know the vivid and neutral picture of reality. The root of the issue here is that the bill has been misinterpreted. It might sound weird to imagine women kicking their husbands out of their homes or putting bracelets around their wrist and ankles but we all need to understand that these punishments are not devised for any regular dispute or discontent.

The bill states that if a man tortures a woman he will have a choice to either leave the house or to stay in order to ensure the safety of women in the house. Now see, it doesn’t sound that bad! Similarly, a man will be asked to put an anklet or bracelet only if the level of violence is severe.

Many people termed the Women protection bill anti-men but as a matter of fact protecting women could never be a threat to men. The bill has not used the word man, father or husband once. It used terms like defendant that can be both men and women. The bill is pro-humanity, as long as you take care of your rights and responsibilities you have nothing to worry about!

By all means the Punjab Women Protection bill is Islamic. Islam raised the standard of women and the Women Protection bill is an attempt to maintain that standard and oppose those who try to snatch their rights. The opponents, specially the male society need to realize that this bill will not only protect your wives but it will also cater justice, protection and respect to your mothers, sisters and daughters.

The bill is a bridge that will save women from falling into the pits of violence and abuse. A woman with a voice is by definition a strong woman and Woman Protection bill will go a long way in vocalising women of our country. The Punjab government has taken a laudable step by introducing the women protection bill in the province. It will enable the women to live with dignity, grace and respect and protected women will surely make the world a better place to live. Along with the governmental efforts, we also need to make collective efforts to abolish violence against women otherwise we will be taking ten steps back for each step forward.

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