Videos of Rashida cutting her birthday cake with the Bhatts have gone viral on social media. In one video, Alia and Shaheen are seen singing for Rashida as she cuts the cake. As soon as Alia is offered a cake slice, she responds by saying, “Nahi, nahi main cake nahi kha sakti, abhi shuru hua hai diet.”
Meanwhile, in the other, Mahesh Bhatt and Soni Razdan celebrate Rashida’s birthday separately. The couple sing a birthday song for her adorably and feed her the cake.
Meanwhile, in the other, Mahesh Bhatt and Soni Razdan celebrate Rashida’s birthday separately
The videos have been shared by an unverified profile on Instagram purporting to be Rashida’s. “My dream birthday,” read the caption for her post with Alia while she wrote, “I am so lucky” for the other video. Take a look:
Meanwhile, amid the lockdown, Alia has been spending time with boyfriend Ranbir Kapoor. She is said to be staying with him and these pictures are proof: On the work front, Alia has ‘Brahmastra’, ‘RRR’, ‘Sadak 2’ and ‘Gangubai Kathiawadi’ in the pipeline.
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