Queen to possibly abdicate and hand over throne to Charles if pandemic extends: expert

Author: Web Desk

Queen Elizabeth II’s monarchy is currently being run smoothly despite her staying indoors in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic. However, an extension of the lockdown, could perhaps call for changes.

A source has claimed the monarch may want to hand over most of her duties to Prince Charles next year, sparking fears among royal watchers the Queen’s reign may be coming to an end without the country even realising it.

According to royal expert Robert Jobson, the Queen may consider to step down when she turns 95, in April next year.

The expert said he doesn’t believe the Queen would ever abdicate, as she pledged aged 21 to serve her country for her all life.

However, she may choose to give more power to the Prince of Wales to the point he will be not a King but, formally, the Regent of the Crown.

The current coronavirus crisis may see the Queen spending most of the next months indoor rather than attending her normal royal duties.

Queen Elizabeth, reign spans for 66 years and counting. Her health condition encouraged a debate on media regarding the transfer of power and the fate of monarchy if the ruler contracts diseases like dementia, ALS or any other like that.

Queen Elizabeth who was always under the opinion that she would not abdicate and that her role as Queen is a life-long commitment, might be forced to give up due to health reasons.

The royal experts are of polarised opinions that if Queen Elizabeth will step down from Monarchy, or will she appoint Prince Charles, as her regent keeping executive powers with herself.

Earlier, Royal expert Moniek Bloks asserted, “I think if anything happens, it’s more likely she’ll make Charles regent instead of completely abdicating.”

Royal author Phil Dampier claimed that “There is talk that when she reaches 95 in a couple of years she may slow down and possibly the Regency Act will be brought in.” Adding that, “She will still be Queen but Prince Charles will take over most of the duties.”

He informed that Prince Charles has already started taking over her responsibilities, his presence at Commonwealth and the state opening at the parliament is symbolic of his ascension to a higher post. He also accompanied Queen to her trips to New Zealand and Australia.

Regent means a person is appointed to administer a state because the monarch is a minor or is absent or incapacitated. That means Charles would function as Prince regent for Queen Elizabeth II. For Prince Charles to fill in for his mother, he must receive the consent from  Philip, along with the Lord Chancellor, the Speaker of the House of Commons, the Lord Chief Justice of England, and the Master of the Rolls who will pass Regency Act.

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