President urges people to donate blood for thalassaemia patients

Author: Agencies

President Dr Arif Alvi on Friday called for urgent blood donations to fulfill the needs of thalassaemia patients in the country who faced shortage of blood supplies due to lockdown amid coronavirus pandemic.

During his visit to Pakistan Thalassaemia Centre in F-9 Park, the President said motivation of volunteer donors during the ongoing situation was important to save the lives of thalassaemia children that solely depended on regular blood transfusion.

Thalassaemia is an inherited blood disorder characterized by decreased production of hemoglobin and thus needs regular blood transfusion from a healthy person.

President Alvi urged upon adults particularly students to come forward and join the noble cause of life-saving and donate blood at their nearest collection centres set up across the country.

He said suspension of inter-city transport also affected the treatment of children who came from far-flung areas.

In this regard, the President said, he contacted health ministers of Punjab and Sindh and urged them to search for blood donors and arrange supplies for the Thalassemia patients.

President Alvi stressed observing necessary precautions to help control spread of Coronavirus as more exposure meant more administration of anti-viral dosage.

He expressed confidence that Pakistan would soon overcome the challenge of the infectious disease.

The President met the children with Thalassemia admitted at the Centre for blood transfusion, inquired about their health and distributed gifts among them.

He also interacted with a number of policemen who voluntarily donated blood for thalassaemic children at the Centre.

Dr Alvi lauded the joint efforts of Pakistan Baitul Mal, Inspector General Police and Sundas Foundation for arranging blood transfusion for thalassaemia patients.

Managing Director Baitul Mal Aon Abbas Buppi gave a briefing to the President about the working of Centre for thalassaemic children.

According to a report, approximately 100,000 patients are suffering from thalassaemia in Pakistan and every year 5,000 babies are born with this deadly disease.

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