Pakistan and China to develop textile cooperation framework under CPEC

Author: News Desk

Pakistani and Chinese experts have agreed to developing a textile cooperation framework under China-Pakistan Economic Corridor by focusing on readymade garments, man-made fiber and textile skill training.

It was expressed at a one-day workshop organized by the Board of Investment (BOI) to deliberate on a diagnostic study on Pakistan’s textile sector, conducted by the National Development & Reform Commission (NDRC) of China and China International Engineering Consulting Corporation (CIECC).

The textile diagnostic report provided the Chinese viewpoints on the potentials and barriers of large-scale textile mills in Pakistan. The report was also one of the deliverables of the 9th JCC held in 2019 and is a precursor to a more detailed work on the textile sector of Pakistan.

The workshop was attended by Executive Director General (EDG) of BOI Qasim Raza Khan, Project Director of Project Management Unit (PMU) BoI Asim Ayub, Director SEZs BOI Abdul Samie, Executive Director APTMA Sattar Shahid, Director Textile Industry Division Kanwar Usman, Chairman PRAGMEA Shaikh Mohammad Shafiq, Head of Pak-China Investment Company Ltd Tariq Masood and representatives from line ministries, private sector and academia Qasim Raza Khan informed the participants that CPEC has now entered into the pragmatic phase of Industrial cooperation, and it is the right time to take Pakistan forward on the path of industrialization.

It has been agreed that the Chinese side will continue to provide intellectual and technical support to accelerate Pakistan’s priority sectors especially through the 9 SEZs of Pakistan under CPEC wherein 03 SEZs have been prioritized and are now at an advanced stage of development, he added.

He was confident that through this cooperation, many Chinese companies will reap benefits of Pakistan’s competitive advantages. Project Director Asim Ayub gave a brief presentation on the Textile diagnostic report, emphasizing that the trade potential has to be transformed intoinvestment potential.

He specified three main areas of cooperation where Chinese could provide support to Pakistan with the objective of developing a textile cooperation framework.

These areas include readymade garments, man-made fiber and textile skill training. Executive Director APTMA Sattar Shahidwas of the view that for any meaningful investment to be made, there is a need to fix the business climate i.e. effective contract enforcements. Mr. Shahid proposed the need for an efficient and workable bankruptcy law, besides the tariff sector of Pakistan needs to be revisited.

Director Textile Industry Division Kanwar Usman shared his views on the CPFTA-II with respect to its impact on the Textile Sector of Pakistan and emphasized on the issue of labor productivity in Pakistan.

He shared that the new Textile Policy of Pakistan is in the pipeline with special emphasis on infrastructure development and appreciated the aspect of Man-made fibers production that was included in the diagnostic report which ought to be taken in consideration by the country.

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