The film, starring Ajay Devgn in the title role, opened with Rs 15.10 crore on January 10, went on to make Rs 20.57 crore and Rs 26.08 crore on Saturday and Sunday, respectively. Its first-weekend haul stood at a whopping Rs 61.75 crore. The trade estimates that “Tanhaji”: could reach Rs 100-crore mark in a few days. Directed by Om Raut and co-produced by Ajay Devgn, the film based on the life of Tanaji Malusare, the military leader of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj, founder of the Maratha Empire.
Meanwhile, Saif is optimistic about his upcoming rom-com, “Jawaani Janeman”.
“I am really excited for the film. It is releasing on January 31,” he said.
“Jawaani Jaaneman” is directed by Nitin Kakkar. Saif shares screen space with Tabu and debutant Alaya F., who is Pooja Bedi’s daughter. In the film, Saif Ali Khan and Alaya share a father-daughter relationship while Tabu is cast in a pivotal role.
The meet-and-greet session that Kareena and Saif attended was hosted by Procter & Gamble (P &G).
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