Students express solidarity with Kashmiri people

Author: Staff Report

Students from different universities staged a protest demonstration outside the Lahore Press Club to express solidarity with the Kashmiri people who are fighting for their right to self-determination.

Organized by the Jammu Kashmir Student Council, the demonstrators urged the international community to help resolve the lingering Kashmir issue according to the UN resolutions and wishes of the stakeholders.

Addressing participants, student leaders said that the Kashmir issue should be resolved in the light of the historic UN resolutions by giving Kashmiris their basic right. They said that no one will accept any illegal annexation of the divided princely state.

Along with others, a large number of Kashmiri students who are living in Lahore for higher studies joined the demonstration. Indian-held Kashmir is under curfew with complete media and communication blackout.

Addressing the gathering, Kashmir Student Council president Mansoor Kataria said that the state under the Indian occupation has been turned into a jail since August 5, 2019. He urged the UN secretary-general to send fact finding missions in the occupied territory to investigate violations.

He said the United Nations Security Council has an obligation to ensure full implementation of its relevant resolutions, stipulating a free and fair plebiscite, and enabling the Kashmiri people across the board to exercise their right to self-determination.

Mansoor Kataria spoke his heart out to awake the world conscience about atrocities being committed by the Indian forces against unarmed Kashmiri civilians. He said that Kashmir is a human rights issue and everyone must unite to give voice to Kashmiris.

In a statement, the Student Council said that the international community had the moral and political responsibility to immediately bring to an end the humanitarian nightmare in occupied Kashmiri state where the people are suffering due to continuous denial of their fundamental rights.

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