Japan’s Foreign Policy-Determinants

Author: Dr Khalil-ur-Rahman Shaikh

Foreign policy of a country is based on some determinants. These are the factors which decisively play role in the formulation of the foreign policy. These determinants are changed with the passage of time to adjust foreign policy with new challenges and realities.

There are two sources of the determinants i.e External and Internal or Domestic. Latter includes geostrategic location of a country, role of media, factors influencing public opinion, size of the population, historical background, cultural norms and traditions, natural resources, technology and national interest etc. External determinants may be outcome of internal determinants, regional and global politico-economic structure and behavior, attitude of neighboring and distant countries having interest of other country and alliances i.e military or political.

Like other countries, foreign policy of Japan is also based on certain determinants. The internal and external conditions have influenced shaping foreign policy of the country.

Firstly, location has weightage in foreign policy of a country. Japan’s location is unique. It does not share land borders with any country. It has maritime neighbours. According to one source Japan consists of more than four thousands islands in the Pacific Ocean.

Secondly, being a country without land connectivity with countries, it has to depend on maritime trade. The situation requires Japan to have normal and cordial relations with the countries which may hamper smooth sailing of its ships.

Thirdly, Japan opposes nuclear armament. It suffered August 1945 nuclear attacks. It signed Nuclear non-Proliferation Treaty in 1976. Japan also ratified Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT) in 1996. It was fourth country that ratified the treaty. Japan condemned nuclear explosions in the region of South Asia in May, 1998. Japan produces electricity through nuclear power plants but it has not enriched uranium for the purpose of nuclear weapons.

Japan is an ally of the U.S under bilateral defense arrangements. Due to this Japan had to face difficulties. In 1973, the oil producing Muslim countries imposed oil embargo on the U.S. Japan also suffered from it. It convinced Japan to see beyond the U.S approach to protect its interests

Fourthly, public opinion also determines a nature of foreign policy of a country. Behaviour of the public of denouncing war, observance of cultural norms and establish peaceful relations with all the countries etc have compelled Japanese foreign policy makers to frame external policy according to wishes of the Japanese people. When thinking process began to amend article 9 of the Japanese constitution people played important role in building public opinion on the matter.

Fifthly, two important factors, which shaped foreign policy of Japan, were the constitution of Japan effected in 1947 and Friendship Treaty between the U.S and Japan signed in 1951 and revised in 1960. Japan accepted U.S defence shield and developed its army for the purposes of self defence. Article 9 of the constitution caused pacifist foreign policy of the country.

Sixthly, industrialisation also shaped the foreign policy of the country. It favoured the balance of trade in favor of Japan. Thus, it started Official Development Assistance for extending cooperation to the friendly countries. With passage of time ODA emerged as a tool of diplomacy.

Seventhly, cold war period also played pivotal role in determining the nature of Japan’s foreign policy. The end of World War II gave birth to bipolar world. The U.S and former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) led the capitalistic and socialist bloc respectively. However, China maintained its independent posture and did not indulge in bloc politics. A few factors including the U.S Friendship Treaty made Japan a part of the capitalistic bloc.

Eighthly, Japan is an ally of the U.S under bilateral defense arrangements. Due to this Japan had to face difficulties. In 1973, the oil producing Muslim countries imposed oil embargo on the U.S. Japan also suffered from it. It convinced Japan to see beyond the U.S approach to protect its interests.

Ninthly, in 1990, Iraq invaded Kuwait. The U.S and its allies started Operation Desert Storm. Japan contributed 13 billion US dollars in the operation. It conveyed Japan’s willingness of sharing responsibility of maintaining international peace and security. Subsequently, for the first time, Japanese forces became part of the United Nations peace keeping forces stationed in Cambodia in 1992. It was for the first time that Japan sent its forces abroad.

Tenthly, the world experienced disintegration of the USSR which put the era of cold war to an end. In changed scenario, countries economically sound got opportunity to rule the global governance. Japan being amongst first four economies of the world occupied important position in the post cold war period.

Lastly, 9/11 incident gave awakening call to the world that an enemy has got birth of which attacks are not restricted to territorial boundaries. At least 24 Japanese became victim of the terrorist attack on World Trade Center, New York.

Though, Japan suffered terrorist attacks by Japanese Red Army in 1980s and 1990s, but, this time nature and intensity of the terrorist attacks was different. The situation warranted prompt action. Japan quickly responded to the situation. It condemned the attacks. It introduced necessary legislations in the country. It joined international coalition “War on Terror” and contributed in “Operation Freedom Enduring-Operation Interdict Maritime”. It continued till 2010 when Japan decided to withdraw refuelling facility to the ships participating in the operation in Indian Ocean. It refuelled 938 times delivering 510,000 kilo liters of fuel free of charge. This facility was extended in 2002.

The writer is an author and has a doctorate in Political Science

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