An Ode to Black Hole

Author: Kashfi Butt

Falling from infinite heights,

Time throwing me out of its dimensionless planar,

Or it’s the black hole inside me,

Gobbling up and gulping down.

All my colors,

The negative radiance drawing all the light within me;

Is it taking me to another universe; constructing another concept of time and space….

Then came a new finding and I thought that “spaghettification” is inevitable when you hit a black hole. I never knew that singularity can coexist with event horizons and opens an infinite future even from the point of no return. The past will be erased, though. Is this new scientific finding symbolizing a life after life after life after…?

I fear, someday I would wake alone in a strange, parallel universe and successfully embrace the Anti-Matter version of me; time would cease to exist….

The concept of the black hole fascinates and frightens me at the same time. This article will briefly throw light on the processes and phenomenon occurring at a micro level inside a black hole, using the lens of astrology. The never-ending frightening mystery led me to explore the metamorphosis of a black hole. The very birth of a black hole originating from the death of a star and giving birth to a star again… and the chain reaction goes on.


It is a gigantic recycling mechanism where the birth of black holes can further ignite the creation of new stellar. In the newly formed constellation, the largest stars die out speedily giving rise to explosions. Here comes a twist; the shock waves make compression bringing together gas and dust to generate more stars. Astrotnomist Misty Benz says about this phenomenon, “It’s this chain reaction of the deaths of stars causing the births of brand new stars,” This explains the life span of a stellar mass black hole but what about the ‘Giants’? The ‘giant’ is a reference to “a giant, colossal black hole which has a mass of a billion times the mass of our Sun.” It didn’t start that way. We know they are there from the very beginning and that’s weird and makes minds foggy enough to reach the truth.

Furthermore, Bentz states, “In the very early universe its possible black holes were formed just from direct collapse of really over-dense regions. Maybe the material started collapsing gravitationally, and then kept collapsing all the way down into a black hole and didn’t actually form stars or anything.”

Another notion assumes that these super massive black holes probably got a jump start in early galaxies, as smaller black holes erupted and then merged in to the center of baby galaxies.

“That gas in the early universe was probably only made of hydrogen and helium, because those were the only elements made in the Big Bang, and everything else was made inside of stars. If you don’t have stars yet, you can’t have any other elements yet,” Astro-physicist Jillian Bellovary says.

The struggle is on and researchers are trying to find out the chemistry of the early elements that kindled those front liners.


Yes, “They suck” and suck everything be it a gas, a star or a planet. It will not be spared. Eating vehemently makes it a mammoth. It doesn’t mind wheatear it’s a gas dropping in, a star running out of fuel and falling in, a planet falling apart and drowning into it. What goes in never comes out making the beast stout and flabby.

“The way we think they can grow most efficiently is by swallowing up gas or accreting gas,” Jillian Bellovary noted.


Black holes go through a metamorphosis in the due course regardless of their size. Now the question is, do they ever die down? Stephen Hawking showed a possibility of the occurrence of the phenomenon of death and he called it “Hawking radiation”.

“It’s just energy converting to mass converting back to energy, popping in and out of existence, “ Bentz says

She explains that all over the cosmos, there are pairs of subatomic particles which continuously keep on coming into existence right in front of each other. Particles are eye to eye with their anti-particles simultaneously playing arched rivals and eventually, fuse into each other, becoming energy again.

Now if the similar analogy is applied and tested in the case of black holes considering half of the particle inside the black holes confronting the ones outside will result in some energy leakage. However, even if we assume that it’s not further accreting, this process cannot even make a dent in the black hole, no matter how rapid it is, because it requires a long length of time. “It is going to take something like 10^54 years before the first black holes start dying and the slow leak of Hawking radiation from a black hole is impossible to observe directly” Bentz says.


The enigma of black holes remains a riddle, but we are lucky to have empiricists like Bentz and Bellovary who are deliberating day and night to increase our cognizance in this regard.

“They are not dangerous. There aren’t any that are close to us, and we don’t need to worry about them,” Bellovary concluded. “There are many, many other things to be worried about.”

The writer is a seasoned educationist and a research fellow.

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