Dr Bushra Mirza made LCWU VC

Author: Staff Report

Prof Dr Bushra Mirza has been appointed as permanent vice chancellor of the Lahore College for Women University (LCWU) for four years. The Punjab Higher Education Department( HED), with the approval of the governor/chancellor, issued a notification in this regard. Dr Mirza is a professor in the Department of Biochemistry, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad. She did her PhD from Cambridge University, UK, in 1996 and post-doc from University of North Carolina, USA. Her area of expertise is molecular genetics of medicinal plants. She is the recipient of a number of awards and honours including Prof AR Shakoori Gold Medal (2010), Best Young Research Scholar Award by Higher Education Commission, Pakistan (2009) and PAS Gold Medal (2008). She is also the present chair of the ISESCO Women in Science wing. She has produced more than 100 MPhils and 20 PhDs. She has more than 150 peer-reviewed journal publications under her name with more than 200 IF and 1,000 citations.

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