Munib Nawaz, a famous Pakistani designer recently saw a child trying to get away from an older man in the streets of Lahore. Stopping by to inquire, the designer found out that the child Usman, had been kidnapped from Karachi and ended up in an Edhi shelter in Lahore. The child had been trying to escape the Edhi home.
It makes us wonder why the child was not comfortable at a welfare shelter like Edhi. Munib Nawaz then took the initiative to send the child home, back to his family in Karachi. Usman is now back with his family.
In an Instagram post Munib Nawaz writes: Usman is now back with his family. Glad I could do the little I could to help. The key is to stop and offer help. It just might be what’s needed.
The designer was recently seen on a talk show, pouring his heart out, reminiscing over his childhood memories-revealing a sensitive side of him. It is indeed a great act of kindness that needs to be seen and heard to create a ripple effect of goodness.
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