A case has been filed against actor Fawad Khan on Wednesday after his family refused to administer an anti-polio team from giving drops to his children, a local news channel reports. The case has been filed at the Faisal Town police station. The administration has booked as many as six people, including Khan, over the charge. Four of the cases have been filed at the Faisal Town police station, and two at the Model Town police station.
The development has come at the time when the government has admitted that active poliovirus transmissions were recorded in as many as eight cities of the country. “We have seen active transmission in Karachi, Lahore, Rawalpindi, Quetta, Peshawar, Bannu, Killa Abdullah and Pishin,” said spokesperson of Prime Minister’s Polio task force Babar Bin Ata. The first National Polio Campaign of 2019 will start from 21st January, the three-day campaign will vaccinate more than 8 million children under the age of five. Polio workers will go door to door to vaccinate the children. In 2018 as many as ten polio cases were confirmed from the country, while the number of polio cases in 2017 was seven and in 2016 the number was at 20.
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