USA Network announced on Wednesday that the long-running legal drama, Suits has been renewed for a 10-episode ninth and final season. The news comes on the cusp of the premiere of the back half of season 8 – and will end after two seasons without original stars Patrick J. Adams and Meghan Markle. The series, which launched in 2011, began with star lawyer Harvey Specter (Gabriel Macht) hiring a brilliant college dropout, Mike Ross (Patrick J. Adams, as an associate in his high-profile firm. Mike promptly impressed his colleagues and fell in love with the high-profile firm’s best paralegal (Meghan Markle). “Though I know it isn’t true, it seems like only yesterday USA Network took a chance on an unestablished writer’s very first hourlong script. These days that’s a common thing, but 47 years ago when I first wrote the Untitled Korsh Project, nobody did it. Nobody except the people at USA and UCP,” creator and executive producer Aaron Korsh said in a statement. He went on to thank many of his collaborators behind the scenes, the writers, cast, and crew before turning to the fans: “Last but never least, to the fans who have stuck with the Suits family through thick and thin, through can-openers and flashbacks – thank you for always speaking your mind. Without you, I might start to think I’m getting the hang of this writing thing. And once that happens, nobody wins. I look forward to enraging and hopefully sometimes delighting you with the final episodes.”
Published in Daily Times, January 25th 2019.
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