FAISAL SHERJAN — Session on economics at #ThinkFest. “Why has our economy gone through cycles of Growth and Bust. ” nothing new being offered by 3 ex Ministers. Not surprising given they made no real lasting impact when in office. Only thing not mentimend is extractive politics and cronyism

MOSHARRAF ZAIDI — Excellent explanation on why the fiscal arrangement under the 7th NFC is perfectly reasonable because it targets the country’s primary & most urgent challenge: the wellness of its people. Dr Hafeez Pasha at #ThinkFest with Dr Salman Shah, @SavailHussain and @MiftahIsmail.

ST — I don’t know why some people found Fawad’s response at Thinkfest to be rude. He was quite direct. Rich to throw stones when Rana Sanuallah isn’t exactly so polished.

UMAR SAIF — Many people have messaged me to ask why I am not at ITU’s Ifkaar-e-taaza #ThinkFest, especially since we worked so hard to establish it over the years. Friends, I believe that once you’ve moved on from a place, it’s not appropriate to look back

OSAMA SIDDIQUE — Had fun conversation today on law, literature & society with @microMAF & @BariFaisal at #ThinkFest #Lahore. Discussed & read Munshi Prem Chand, Saadat Manto, Shaukat Siddiqi, Ali Natiq, Bilal Minto, #SnuffingOuttheMoon & other literary works & prominent law related themes therein

SIKANDER MEHMOOD KHAN — Heard harrowing tales of racial profiling of Pukhtun students at the hands of Punjab Rangers at #ThinkFest. It’s embarrassing &beyond limits of any decency. You can’t corner the the youth &engage them against joining purportedly radical rights movements at the same time. @a_siab

YAQOOB KHAN BANGASH — There were punjab rangers at the #ThinkFest?!

HASHIM JAWAN BAKHT — Spoke at the Thinkfest on Economy and Business in Punjab. Not a single rupee of the people will now be spent on projects that aren’t financially viable. Punjab is moving towards evidence based planning and development. #Punjab #Pakistan

AISHA SARWARI — Putting together a festival where free speech and open discussions take place is a huge win in muzzled times like these. Gug thanks to the man behind #ThinkFest @BangashYK

MAIDA FARID — BREAKING: (#ThinkFest Lahore) the high concentration of logic, intellect and I.Q in the atmosphere made federal minister (Fawad Chaudhary) choke himself.

MAHBOOB MOHSIN — .@Fahdhusain identifies key changes taking place in Pak media landscape during an insightful panel talk at #ThinkFest today. Solid guy, solid analysis! Topic: Does Pakistan Need a New Media Model? I couldn’t waste time to pose for a picture and appreciate his writings.

SAMAN SHAFIQ — Had a great time at the #ThinkFest today! Met with colleagues and listened to veterans and old instructors (from uni) share their work and thoughts. We definitely need more of such platforms to exchange ideas and converse on different trending topics in the country.
Published in Daily Times, January 16th 2019.
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