Popular TV actor Dipika Kakar, who lifted the trophy for Bigg Boss 12, said her win proved that she stood for the right and never played dirty. Social media polls and those conducted by various media houses had predicted that the Sasural Simar Ka fame actor would emerge as the winner.
“I am thankful to everyone. I had anticipated that Sreesanth, Deepak and I would be there in the top three. I was just praying I win the show, I am very happy I won,” Dipika, who also won a cash prize of Rs 30 lakh, told PTI.
“I wanted to prove that Bigg Boss is not about being mean or demeaning anybody and it is about being honest and good. I am very happy (with) the way I conducted myself on the show. I won,” she said. Dipika said this win proved that she stood for the right and “never played dirty to prove anyone right or wrong. It was all about being good and graceful”.
She said she would have been equally happy if Sreesanth, who she considered her brother, had won the show. “I would have been really happy for him. But at the end of the day I was here to win,” she said.
Popular TV actor Dipika Kakar, who lifted the trophy for Bigg Boss 12, said her win proved that she stood for the right and never played dirty. Social media polls and those conducted by various media houses had predicted that the Sasural Simar Ka fame actor would emerge as the winner.
“I am thankful to everyone. I had anticipated that Sreesanth, Deepak and I would be there in the top three. I was just praying I win the show, I am very happy I won,” Dipika, who also won a cash prize of Rs 30 lakh, told PTI.
“I wanted to prove that Bigg Boss is not about being mean or demeaning anybody and it is about being honest and good. I am very happy (with) the way I conducted myself on the show. I won,” she said. Dipika said this win proved that she stood for the right and “never played dirty to prove anyone right or wrong. It was all about being good and graceful”.
She said she would have been equally happy if Sreesanth, who she considered her brother, had won the show. “I would have been really happy for him. But at the end of the day I was here to win,” she said.
Dipika said she missed her family and would now spend time with them. Before entering the Big Boss house, the actor had vowed that if she wins, she would pay a visit to Ajmer Sharif dargah.
Published in Daily Times, January 1st 2019.
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