The narrative of tolerance

Author: Nazia Jabeen

Tolerance may be defined as an ability to accept different opinions, beliefs, creeds, values and even attitudes towards life wholeheartedly. Tolerance and patience are interrelated and equally important to keep the social life in order and on the path of progress. Giving respect to others’ creeds and opinions means we want them to accept our beliefs. When we do not value others how we can expect from them to extend positive response.

The serious dilemma faced by our society is that we are too intolerant and impatient and want to inflict our opinions in a way to be triumphant over others. In fact, it’s not our victory rather our failure to accept different views. All the religions of this world emphasized to be tolerant towards others. Historically speaking, Islam set the highest example of tolerance and patience when The Holy Prophet (PBUH) granted mercy to non-Muslims at the time of the conquest of Makkah. Islam the religion of peace holds all religions in great esteem by declaring,’’ There is no compulsion in the religion”.

In modern society it is seen that people focus on freedom of expression theoretically but in practice, they are highly prejudiced. To some extent, this parochial attitude arises out of superiority complex by which the nations want to establish their supremacy over others. One of the major reasons of WW-I was Germans concept of racial supremacy over other nations. During World War II, the worst example of intolerance was witnessed as holocaust of Jews in which six million Jews were killed by Hitler.

Other European nations are not less than the Germans. Joseph Conrad explained well Europeans sense of supremacy using the words “Exterminate all the brutes” in his novel, “Heart of Darkness”. Kurtz, the protagonist who set out in the heart of Africa, Congo, to civilize the Africans, ultimately becomes the part of it and ended his life as the worst brute expressing, “Horror! Horror!”. What all this suggests is that the superiority complex of whites over blacks is also decades old. Blacks in all over the world have to fight for their rights and the unjust behavior of whites gave rise to freedom movements. The freedom movement of Nelson Mandela in South Africa is good example in this regard.

Preconceived notions always give way to conflicts. Conflict between two ideas, opinions, traditions, sects and religions in recent times is rising as extremism and terrorism. Religious extremism is at the highest level. Kashmir and Palestine, the major conflicting zones of this world are based on religious intolerance. In sharp contrast to its projection as the biggest democratic state, India does not accept the right of self-determination of Kashmiris given to them by UNO. The worst example of religious intolerance is found in India where the minorities are being treated inhumanly. Muslims are unable to practice their religious rites and are forced to convert themselves as Hindus.

Even Pakistan like other parts of the world has paid heavy price for extremism and terrorism. To a greater extent there are many internal and external factors involved in the birth of extremism all over the world. The existence of extremists that belong to no religion and belief have made the world insecure to live. Europeans and specially Americans term all Muslims terrorists and as most unfavorable nation in the world. The policy of Donald Trump banning visa to seven Muslim countries is gravest example of discriminatory and indifferent attitude towards Muslims. This attitude by the super power of this world is highly condemnable. The disparaging comments of Trump on mass media and social media must be rebuked and countered through a comprehensive and consolidated policy by all Muslim countries.

The implications of Trump policy vis-à-vis Muslims have great implications for Pakistan too. The denial of US embassy of granting visa to Pakistani senators reveals that the US visa policy for Pakistanis is not different from the policy of ban for seven Muslim majority countries. After 9/11, Pakistan became a major ally to US in war against terrorism and bore a heavy loss socially, morally, physically and financially. Later on, Pakistan declared the war against terrorism as its own war but the stigma could not be wiped totally. The military and the civilian government have resolved to fight the war to exterminate the terrorists from the soil of the country. Operation Zarb-e-Azb, rangers operation in Karachi and National Action Plan are all the tools employed to defeat the forces of enemy. The enemy is demoralized and defeated not only in figures but the peace and decline in suicide attacks, incidents of target killing, kidnapping for ransom speak of the better and peaceful condition in Karachi.

But all of a sudden suicide attack in Lahore disrupted the short era of peace and calm taking away the lives of two top police officials among others. In fact, it is a reminder to all security agencies and the government that the enemy is not dead. It is in dormant position and wakes whenever it finds favourable circumstances. All the terrorists and extremist elements need to be treated with iron hand. All the economic optimism and infrastructure development loses its importance when enemy is successful in terrorizing and horrifying the people. Though the civil and military government has resolved to fight the faceless enemy to restore peace and security. There is a lot to be done on individual and personal level to defeat all the forces of extremism. On a broader level, we need to fight with the mindset out of which extremism grows and to strengthen the hands of government and security agencies by playing our role emphatically.

At the top is adopting the behavior of tolerance and acceptance of others’ views and believing that everyone has the equal right to grow and flourish. It is possible only through education. It has been rightly said that the result of highest education is tolerance. For the narrative of tolerance is best of all and can make us more united and fortified. Whatever the differences are there, we should Value and appreciate others’ opinions. Everyone has the right to differ and it’s our responsibility to be unbiased toward different perspectives with grace and dignity. William Make peace Thackeray wrote “The world is a looking glass and gives back to every man the reflection of his own face.” So every person creates his own world. Beauty lies in uniting all the faces making a whole world, not in segregating or demeaning them to satisfy self or ego.

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