Swiss embassy celebrates its national day in Pakistan ahead of the actual date

Author: Staff Report

ISLAMABAD: The Embassy of Switzerland in Pakistan held advance celebration of the 727th National Day of the Swiss Confederation in Islamabad.

Welcoming the guests, Ambassador of Switzerland to Pakistan Thomas Kolly said that Switzerland did not have natural resources but relied on its skilled manpower to develop and achieve the position it currently holds on the world map. Speaking of Switzerland’s bilateral relations with Pakistan, he said that his country is the fifth largest foreign direct investor, with a number of Swiss companies operating in Pakistan, creating 15,000 jobs for local people.

“The two countries hold regular dialogue in Islamabad and Bern and within the framework of the United Nations on issues of mutual interests,” Swiss Envoy Thomas Kolly traced the history of Swiss evolution into the present state, starting off with just three areas.

“We have no natural resources and our only resource is our people,” a tribute to the dedication to the country and the tenacity of purpose the people of Switzerland were imbued with, he said.

As regards Pakistan, he said that it was a beautiful country with lots of diversity, something that had a beauty all its own. He said that the commonality between both the countries was the idyllic scenery and the lofty mountains. Of course, he acknowledged that Pakistan’s mountains were much higher. He highlighted the economic cooperation between the two countries manifest in the large number of Swiss companies that had their operations in Pakistan.

Pakistan’s Federal Secretary of Foreign Affairs Tehmina Janjua was the chief guest of the event. She spoke about warm relations between Switzerland and Pakistan and her own experience of representing Pakistan in Geneva for nine years. Afterwards, national anthems of both countries were played and a cake was cut to mark the 727th anniversary of the founding of Switzerland. The guests were treated with Swiss delicacies, including the famous raclette cheese.

Switzerland celebrates August 1 as its National Day with events around the world, wherever it has a presence. The event was attended by a large number of diplomats, government officials, civil society representatives and businessmen.

Published in Daily Times, July 14th 2018.

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