Lodhi entered the PFF office alongside senior vice-president Khadim Ali Shah and marketing consultant Sardar Naveed Haider Khan to the beating of loud drums from their supporters, who showered rose petals upon them. “The challenge is to recover the loss to the game over the last three years,” added Lodhi. “The president has instructed us to make a comprehensive plan to promote the game and we will try to streamline the affairs in next couple of months. However, we will need the cooperation of all the stakeholders for it.” He informed that since FIFA had objected to the court interfering in PFF affairs, the ban would be lifted soon as Hayat had been restored.
There is also the matter of Hayat’s mandate having expired. FIFA, in September 2015, gave Hayat a two-year term to ratify the PFF Statutes and hold fresh elections. With that term being over, there is a decision for FIFA to make over what it does when it eventually lifts the ban. There is also a dispute regarding the election of the Punjab Football Association (PFA). That contentious provincial poll in April 2015 saw the PFF break into two factions and in its judgment the LHC also upheld the election of members of a rival faction. And it has led to concerns how the PFF congress will now shape up. In such a case, with a dispute still there, FIFA usually installs a normalisation committee to resolve matters and hold elections.
“FIFA president Gianni Infantino has already congratulated Faisal Hayat after the case was won,” he informed. The rival faction, meanwhile, has filed an appeal with the Supreme Court while also seeking a suspension of the LHC order. Lodhi, however, wasn’t concerned on Friday. “That process will take time but crucially for now Hayat has taken charge of the FIFA House.
Published in Daily Times, March 3rd 2018.
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