LAHORE: The Punjab Healthcare Commission on Tuesday held a meeting of the technical working groups for developing the Minimum Service Delivery Standards for category-III healthcare establishments providing services related to midwifery, mother-child healthcare and family welfare centres. The consultative meeting of the groups provided expert recommendations from the relevant stakeholders and experts, which have formed the framework for the proposed MSDS. Experts from the Specialised Healthcare and Medical Education Department, UNICEF, UNFPA, FPAP, MCWAP, Pakistan Medical and Dental Council, Pakistan Nursing Council, Population Welfare Department, Integrated Reproductive Maternal Newborn Child Health and Nutrition Program (IRMNC&NP), Director General Nursing, Controller Nursing Examination Board, CEO DHA Nankana Sahab, Midwifery Schools, Public Health Nursing School, gynaecologists of the Mozang Hospital, Lady Willingdon Hospital and Lady Aitchison Hospital Lahore, and private practitioners in midwifery services participated. The experts made useful and practical recommendations for improving the MDSD draft. Director Clinical Governance and Organisational Standards PHC Dr Mushtaq Ahmed Salarya briefed the groups about the working on the MSDS for the centres. He said the Commission was the first statutory body to develop the MSDS for different types of healthcare establishments, which were being implemented across the province in all the HCEs. Director Complaints PHC Prof Dr Riaz Tasneem appreciated the participants for their valuable inputs. Former Dean Institute of Public Health Prof Dr Maqsood Ahmad presented recommendations of the first TWG (technical working group) meeting, and facilitated the working of the experts’ groups in the detailed review of the first draft of the MSDS based on the initial framework discussed during the first TWG meeting.
Published in Daily Times, January 31st 2018.
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