In a significant development, the foreign diplomats, politicians, renowned scholars have unanimously set the tone for one voice against all faces of terrorism sabotaging Pakistan’s security and sovereignty and resolved to stay united with all pillars of state as well as people to help Pakistan eradiate the menace once for all. Talha Barki new member of the federal cabinet, Consul General of Turkey Durmas Bastag, Consul General of Iran Mehr Mowahid Far, Acting Consul General of China Mr. Cao, Political Officer of China Mr. Fan, Political Officer of Japan Mochi Zuki, DG Khana Farhang of Iran Masoudi, Cultural Counselor of France Mr. Fabrice, Head of Punjab Affairs of the Btitish High Commission Mr. Ben Warrington, Vice Chairman LDA Mian Marghoob Ahmed, Malik Riaz Member of Punjab Assembly, Dr. Amjad Magsi President Professors and Lecturers Association of Punjab University etc. attended the iftar on behalf of Muhammad Mehdi foreign affairs expert on his residence .On this occasion, the participants raised their voices of unity and solidarity against terrorism in Pakistan. The participants have said in clear words that they stand by Pakistan in the war against extremism and terrorism. On this occasion, the participants appreciated the efforts of the Pakistani army, parliamentarians and civil society in the efforts to eradicate terrorism and said that the international community will provide all possible support to Pakistan at this critical stage. The host of the event, Foreign Affairs Expert Muhammad Mehdi, said that to win the war against terrorism, it is necessary to have mental harmony, unity and clarity of purpose among all institutions and people. He said that mutual consultation of all political forces strengthens unity and this unity destroys the ambitions of terrorists. He further said that all stakeholders should rise above their personal interests and unite against terrorism so that we can pass on peace and stability to our future generations.
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