Former prime minister Imran Khan and his wife Bushra Bibi’s counsel requested the Toshakhana-II case be transferred to another bench during a hearing at the Islamabad High Court on Tuesday. Justice Inam Amin Minhas presided over the hearing on the acquittal petitions of Imran Khan and Bushra Bibi. Defense counsel Barrister Salman Safdar and FIA prosecutor Umair Majeed appeared before the court. Barrister Safdar submitted the transfer request, stating that a senior judge of the High Court had previously heard a similar case. Referring to the Iddat case, where a transfer order was issued on similar grounds, he emphasized his client’s instructions and pointed out the availability of senior judges in the High Court. He further mentioned that while he had a written objection ready, he preferred not to file it officially and requested the court to consider the matter without setting a new hearing date. Subsequently, Justice Minhas adjourned the Toshakhana-II case, deferring the decision on the acquittal petitions.
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